Thursday, February 23, 2017

Winter Storm Quid is Coming

I'm looking at my calendar and it says today is the 23rd of February. Then I'm looking at my unread email list which usually increases by about 100+ a day and the last entry posted is from February 21st. Something is seriously wrong and I guess I'll have to spend some computer time at the shop trying to fine tune and get things back up and running properly. What a PITA. Still, I suppose it could be worse. No ... not really. I rely on my email and my LJ to keep in touch with my friends. So no. Right now this comes under the heading of Not A Good Thing.

I rely on email and usually get 100-200 on an average day. I can
whip through them quickly, but they actually have to be in my
in-box for me to do that. *sigh*

Assuming I can get that fixed, I'm going to enjoy this final day of our very unseasonable and very early Spring thaw. By the time I leave the shop tonight the rain will be falling and it will turn to snow overnight. The predictions are ranging from 6"-18" of snow by Saturday, so I'll be shoveling and DH will be snowblowing. If it has stopped snowing by Saturday, he'll be pulling snow off the roof Saturday morning. Darn, I was really hoping we managed to dodge the bullet on this storm, but it looks like it's put us right in the bulls-eye.

Winter Storm Quid will cut straight across Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa
and Minnesota before going to Wisconsin and Illinois. We'll get snow -
a lot of it, because we're in the deeper blue directly north of that bright pink. 

Today is still warm, though, and no snow boots necessary. I'm reveling in that. We're living in the Frozen Northlands. Snow at this time of the year is expected and normal. What we've had these past two weeks is massively abnormal but it was wonderful. It's been a lot of fun having winter temperatures in the 60's, but it couldn't last. So bring it on, Winter. We know you well and we can handle you even though we'll grump and curse when we are trying to get to work on Friday.

Here's our winter storm names for this winter season. The one we're getting
now is Winter Storm Quid. We still have a few to go before running out
of alphabet, but it's only February. March is one of our snowiest months. 

Short and sweet today. I hope each of you has a wonderful Thursday. A shout-out to my friend Just Ann Now who sent me a beautiful greeting card featuring a covered bridge from her part of the country. It's just stunning and totally brightened my day. I'll be back here tomorrow, same bat time, same bat place.

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