Saturday, January 23, 2016

Jumping Through Hoops

There's nothing like legal mumbo-jumbo. For years I've been handling our Health Savings Accounts. I'm the person who set them up, I'm the person who handled the annual deposits, I'm the person who printed out the monthly statements and kept track of expenses. I made sure everything was copacetic.

US Bank Stadium is scheduled to be open next year. It's a lovely building. 

The HSA plans were administered by US Bank, one of the larger banks in the nation and the sponsor of our new football stadium. At one time DH and I had most of our funds with or in entities controlled by US Bank. Over time, they sold various companies, changed others, and finally revised their plans so much that I pulled our bank accounts last summer and joined our local credit union instead. But US Bank still controlled our HSA. Not any more.

Have you seen Fargo, the movie? If you haven't, it's
well worth a view. It's a funny movie, and you might
understand those of us from Minnesota a bit better after a view. 

At the end of December, all US Bank HSA accounts were moved to a different company operating out of Fargo (yes - that Fargo). Suddenly, I was unable to access our accounts when I tried, on Wednesday, to get the December printout and out year-end statements for our income tax forms. I've been in communication with the new firm ever since.

Sometimes I feel like a trained animal - jump
through this hoop, jump through that one. 

They're very polite and very exact. I had no problem getting access to my HSA, but for me to get access to DH's account will require some hoops and a signed Power of Attorney form, notarized. So, now I have to find out where I can get a notary at a time when both of us can sign in front of him/her.

I'm starting to feel like a trained dog. *sigh*

So, just one more hoop. Then I'll be able to continue doing what I have been doing for years - handling the forms, interactions, and details of anything that requires hoop jumping. It's just as well I've been going to the gym - I'm staying in shape for those hoops ... have a great weekend and GO BRONCOS!

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