Saturday, May 9, 2015

Best Laid Plans Can Go Astray

I was ahead of the curve on Friday. I finished my blog early - photo blogs are SO much fun. I had my swimming gear all ready to go, and I got to the gym five minutes before the doors were unlocked only to be met by my fellow 5:00 am swim partners - Meg and Rosemary, sporting disgusted faces.

"No lifeguard," growled Meg.

Rosemary just shook her head and looked sad.

I queried "No lifeguard, no swimming?" and they nodded "Yes."

Although the five am group at my local YMCA is very experienced
in the water, their insurance wouldn't allow us to swim without
a lifeguard and we couldn't sign waivers or anything similar that
would allow us to go into the water. 

Apparently the lifeguard had overslept, but was on his/her way. After half an hour, however, we had all given up and I was taking my shower - I had to get moving and work was calling. So - we weren't happy.

But every cloud has a silver lining ...

Every cloud has a silver lining and this disappointment led to
a new possibility. 

Meg and Rosemary both mentioned a different YMCA, one that is located in the next suburb to the east, and that if they had known, they would have just gone there for their morning swim. Rosemary told me the location and the wheels started turning in my head.

Do you see the two red X marks above on the map? The
one on the left is my Chiropractor, the one on the right
is the YMCA. They're really close! I'll try this on Monday
and see if I have a new alternative for my every-other-Monday
appointment and missed swimming time. 

Every other Monday I miss my swim because I have a 6:30 am appointment with my Chiropractor. Looking at a map, it turns out the other YMCA is less than a mile from where my Chiro is located. Suddenly swimming on my alternate Mondays looks as if it will be feasible after all! I'm looking forward to a new adventure and starting my week out on a "Guppy" note.

Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all mothers out there.

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