Friday, September 5, 2014

Working Men - A Photo Blog

I'm running very tight on time today, but I'm finally caught up with my email backlog from the previous week. Now to catch up with individual posts on LJ...  Because I'm so far behind and tight on time, I'm making this a Friday Photo Blog - Let's see where my mind takes me today...

I'm starting this out with this vintage photo of Ironworkers at lunch. Now,
I don't know about  you, but having lunch sitting on an I-beam this high
up would make me nervous. I like the guy at the left lighting his cigarette from
his colleague's, as well as the man on the far right holding what appears
to be a liquor bottle. What a job! 

There was another picture here, but the person who took it took exception to my small number of people actually taking a look at it and perhaps commenting on it. So here's to you, Milton Moore, Enjoy your five seconds of poorly-deserved fame.

Men at work again - this time with machinery. Now I'd be a bit
worried about catching that long beard in some of those cogs and
wheels - just sayin' ...

Here, two men in India are taking a break from their jobs
in an automobile factory. The conditions they work in would be
at home in Victorian times. If you want to see more photos
of this area of India, or a part that isn't seen as frequently,
here's the link to the website Squalor to Scholar

Here, children are mining an artisanal gold mine in Mali. Looking at
an image like this when school just started here again after summer
break, makes me so happy that more and more of our children around
the world are able to be educated when they are this age,
not forced into dangerous, hard labor. 

Back to the US for my final two images. Here is a group of modern
black cowboys looking plenty comfortable in the saddle. Cowboys
were workers I was a bit more comfortable with, growing up in the
western US. Want to know more about the history of Black cowboys
in the US? Follow this link to a CNN exploration

Here's a Florida cowboy after a hard day's work, kicking back with
a cup of coffee before turning in for the day. Yes, cowboys are found
in all states. (Photo by Carlton Ward)

So there you have it - a variety of pictures of men at work, and what a crazy assortment my mind brought to all of you today! I hope you have a wonderful Friday and a productive day at work, no matter where you are or what you are doing.

1 comment:

Milton Moore said...

The photograph of fishermen is a copyrighted image. It was taken from my web page (the least you could have done was to attribute it). Respect other people's work and remove it before I have to contact Google. Thank you, Milton Moore