Thursday, September 4, 2014

And the Wheel Goes Round and Round...

First, thanks for all of the comments and suggestions about my phone woes in yesterday's post. I went to my local Verizon store yesterday morning and they determined that I was eligible for an upgrade at a very good price, so I did so. I now am the proud owner of a Motorola Droid Maxx phone. I'm still adding a few apps and it has a few different procedures so I'm getting acquainted with its ins and outs, but I'm pretty happy. The fact that it's red should make my friend Sharon a happy girl, although I can't really see the color since I opted for an OtterCase this time. I need it to last for the full two years of the contract, so I'm babying it just a bit.

I ended up with a Droid Maxx. I looked at the Samsung as
well as the Motorola, but chose the Maxx because it has
superior battery life and I drain batteries like crazy because
I use my phone for reading, not just messages. 

Yesterday was spent working on getting the house back up and running after Sharon's visit. I'm almost there. The beds were stripped and linens washed, the bathrooms were cleaned again, her bed was collapsed and returned to seating, and food for the week was purchased and prepared.

The red grapes on sale yesterday looked especially yummy! 

Since I hadn't counted on having a working phone, I had (very unfortunately) postponed my weekly conversation with Aearwen until next week. I'm already having withdrawl! But I know we'll catch up when we talk again.

Thursdays are usually a day when I pose a writing, plot, or character development question to my readers, and because of the holiday and my electronics issues, I'm really not prepared for that. So I'm taking the easy way out and I'll try and think of a good question or topic for tomorrow instead. I'm just relieved to once again be part of the electronic world.

Blendoku is a phone game that I adore. It starts you
out with several anchor blocks of color and a lineup of
other colors that need to fit into the pattern of color
progression. It requires a good screen and good lighting to
sometimes catch the subtle nuances of color, but I adore it.
In this example, the anchors have the checkmarks. 

As a quick note, I think one of the best things about getting a new phone is that apps I had played to the end now are reloaded as brand new. That means I can once again enjoy the colors in Blendoku and wandering the lanes of the early stages in Candy Crush Saga. I know it seems odd to look at the hours of fighting up the levels as something I want to do again, but I enjoyed playing these and it's like when I was a kid and I could open a new game. Even though I always preferred books, I still enjoyed Chutes and Ladders, Candyland and Monopoly too. What about you? Were there childhood games that you remember fondly?

I'm not very good at Candy Crush Saga. I think I got up to Level 64 and
then hit a wall. That's OK, the earlier levels are the fun ones anyway :-)

Have a great Thursday and I'll be back tomorrow...

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