Saturday, August 2, 2014

Aren't Friends Great?

The words by John Donne state that "No man is an island." To enable us to walk through our lives, we gather people around us to help share the load - to celebrate the good times and help through the harder ones. Somehow the good times just aren't as good without  others to celebrate with. I love having friends.

We all need friends. Those who have no friends
live a life of such loneliness that it breaks my heart. 

Friends came to mind because my BFF Sharon confirmed her flights for her annual State Fair/Renaissance Festival visit. I'm virtually jumping up and down in my chair because I'm very excited. Sharon is the girlfriend I've had the longest. We've seen the best and worse of each other over the more than 40 years we've known each other. We went to high school together back in the stone age and have stayed in contact, going on vacations together and traveling through the US and England several times. She's a great travel companion.

Sharon is a great travel companion. We've never done a
beach trip, but the desert and England were fun. 

I also think of friends because DH and I have recently reconnected with a colleague of ours and his wife. DH has been seeing him every one-two weeks, joining him and other acquaintances for drinks and conversation. We're getting together with Mattie and Liz for sushi after work tonight. I'm really looking forward to catching up with them. DH doesn't crawl out of his shell often, but Mattie is one of those rare people that he just really enjoys. It's refreshing to see my DH laughing and talking animatedly.

Friends are the bestest thing EVER!

I've also had the opportunity to meet several LJ friends in real life. That moves friendship to a different level. My LJ list know me through my blog and my writings, but my real life buddies rarely read anything I've written although they see my artwork more frequently and conversations are easier. I really love expanding my friends from the ether into living, breathing people sitting across a table from me, sharing a meal.

I do love good sushi and we're going to one of the
best sushi bars in the cities. I'm really looking forward
to this evening's dinner. 

As I look forward to my night out with Mattie, Liz and DH, I celebrate friendship with all of you. Reach out to someone today - contact an old friend or make a new one. It's all good. Have a wonderful weekend.

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