Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Christmas

Although I don't celebrate Christmas, my DH does and many of my friends do. I am well aware of the beauty of the story of the Holy Birth, as well as the teachings that this child taught as he was growing up. There's a LOT of very good stuff there. So as you settle down with friends and family, or just watch the lights or the snow during these next two days, try to remember the good teachings of Christ and put them into your own life. Things like respect, love, caring for others, and forgiveness. Those are teachings worth putting into all of our lives, no matter what religious faith you may follow.  Happy Christmas to all.

Here is a tree under which you can place your gifts.

Here is a Christmas Church for your gathered worship. 

And here is a lovely Christmas Nativity as painted by Gerard van Honthorst
for your viewing pleasure. 

May you have a blessed Christmas. I'll be back on the 26th.

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