Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Time Problems and Rain

So I have my AinA story back from my marvelous beta reader, but getting the time to finalize the last bit of it is turning out to be very difficult. The program that I need to use is not installed on my laptop (and time at the shop without Chickie there to help out doesn't exist) and in the evenings, my DH is often sharing my computer den. I don't want him reading over my shoulder on this story, actually, on any story (reading over my shoulder drives me a bit crazy). If I haven't been able to do anything by Wednesday night I'll have to shift my schedule so that I can get something completed at a weird hour of day or night. I have to finish the last bit and send it on its way.

Thunderstorms are rolling in and we'll be under rain and lightning at least until 10 am. So I'll get wet running in for my morning coffee and oatmeal and then again when I go to the post office, take care of Chickie's cat, and run into the shop. But if it stops by 10am, I should at least have customers. It's odd, but for some unknown reason, Minnesota people will come to the shop if it is snowing and we are under blizzard warnings, but won't go out in the rain. Maybe they're afraid they'll melt?

The Century Theatre assassin was in court yesterday. He looked totally bizarre, very spaced out, orange hair and pop eyed. He reacted to nothing, almost as if he was drugged although that would be doubtful. The thing that really gets to me is how nice a guy he looked in his younger days. He looked very attractive and rather shy. And then he fell into a fantasy and snapped. The entire event is a tragedy, and the assassin is tragic as well. What a waste of lives...

Happy 115th Birthday, Amelia Earhart. I grew up hearing about the mystery of her disappearance and her unfinished flight around the world still captures the imagination of the world, so many years afterward. It's good to have mysteries in the world though, if everything was known how boring life could be...

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