Monday, July 23, 2012

Triumphs and Overwork

I'll start with the triumphs, because wonderful moments like this should be celebrated. So...CONGRATULATIONS WIGGO! CAV! AND TEAM SKY! What a wonderful Tour de France this year was. I am a total "Tour" addict, watching each morning, and then re-watching throughout the day and in the nighttime recap. The winner of the Yellow Jersey, as well as Chris Froome who won 2nd place overall and Mark Cavendish who won the stage in amazing style once again were all from Team Sky.

The winner of the 2012 Le Tour de France, Bradley Wiggins from England! Well done!

The team held together, losing one of their members in the early crashes, but otherwise surviving to ride into Paris. The USA did well with BMC/Nissan winning the team award and TeeJay Van Garderen from the USA won the White Jersey for Best Young Rider. Thomas Voeckler (France) won the Polka Dot Jersey for King of the Mountains, Peter Sagan (Slovak) won the Green Jersey for Sprinting. Next year will be the 100th Tour. I can hardly wait!

One of the best pics from the ceremonies was Mark Cavendish kissing his baby daughter just after his final stage win in Paris. What a great duo!

Now for overwork. I have some editing to do on my AinA story, but less than I feared. My beta (thanks, Kei) used a light touch which I appreciated. Unfortunately, after looking it over on my laptop, I realized that I can only make corrections on my main computer so, I'll have to start working through it tonight after work. I need to complete this and get it sent onward. But writing, although working in many ways, isn't really contributing to my overworked status. No...that comes from the fact that

Trick Falls, also called Running Eagle Falls is in Glacier National Park in Montana. It's a two-part waterfall, with an overhang carrying water when levels are high, and a lower tunnel spillway waterfall cascade that carries water at all times and levels. It's pretty kewl and one of Chickie's favorite spots in Glacier.

Chickie is on vacation! It is a vacation that is well deserved and we all need time away from work, but it means that I am working six days, off one, and then working another two before I get another off day. That's a lot of days in a row for an old lady (LOL) and I'm coming down on the "less than pleased" side of the story here. choice. I will help care for her cat while she's out of town, and she will have a wonderful time in Montana with her family and friends, coming back refreshed and ready to finish out the summer. Oh well, at least I've been lending her fun books for her Nook....

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