Wednesday, July 25, 2012

No Day Off Today!

Wednesdays are my usual day off. But, since Chickie is communing with mountain goats in the wilds of Montana (or relatives and friends in the wilds of Montana who may bear striking resemblance to the aforementioned mountain goats), I have to work for her all week. *sigh* I have fic to finish, a request from Lai to send on, my AinA to finish the final edits on, and the MPTT Anniversary story to complete (which is quite close to being done) and I have no time to do it. At the shop, without Chickie to help out, I end up standing ALL DAY and I don't get any time to drop by my laptop at all (or have my weekly chat-fest with Aearwen). Growl.... So, my schedule is crap for the week!

This mountain goat is looking over one of the valleys in Glacier National Park in Montana.

I am determined to still do my laundry today, but instead of being able to get everything done in a day, it will take me three days to get everything washed. I'll do clothes tonight after I get home, then sheets and towels Thursday and Friday night. It's been so hot that I really want to get those sheets changed, but it's no use stripping the bed if I can't put fresh sheets on.

Thank goodness for washing machines. It's such a HUGE step up from buckets or streams and rocks...

On a note, my BFF Sharon's sister Cathy works across the street from the Cineplex 16 movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado. Her commentary was that she arrived for work the morning of the massacre and found that the mall would be closed that day. But walking to and from the bus she saw far more than she ever wanted to see just walking by the scene. *hugs* to Cathy - she's a sweetie and this event has left all of us a bit shell-shocked. I heard that Christian Bale visited the shooting victims in the hospital yesterday, and he insisted that there be no publicity. That's a class act.

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