Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Errands and No Rest

What is it about this time of the year? Deadline loom all year 'round, so why do they seem to pack more of a punch at the Holiday season? I suspect that in my case it is because I not only have the standard holidays to deal with, but also my DH's birthday. That means that I have to arrange for holiday food and gifts, and also for birthday gifts and food with the grocery stores (indeed, most stores) being closed for a day. So, tomorrow on my list of errands I need to include arranging for a cake or some gourmet cupcakes for his birthday, make sure that I have at least one present for his birthday, and get some tickets purchased for an exhibit that he wants to see over the weekend.
But, I know that this close to Christmas can be a very busy time at the shop and that there is a chance that I will need to go in and help on the sales floor. So tomorrow should be very interesting indeed.
I can't wait for the holiday season to end so that I can progress on to other projects. I want to start my "Straight Road" project, but I haven't even worked on the sketches for it yet because I've been too busy with the holiday gifts. But, I'm pleased with what I made for people, and I'll find out if they like their prezzies in a few days :-) I hope everyone had a wonderful Solstice!

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