Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Never Enough Time

My clock is ticking down. My DH's business trip is closing up and he'll be back sometime this weekend. That leaves me with four days to get things accomplished and 1-2 hours a day in which to do this. I started bending the wires for my cloisonnae last night. The images are very detailed and complex, so bending the wires is a slow process. I also owe my friend Iris a beta on the third chapter of her curent story. Iris will take 2 hours at least. The wires will take 5-6 and that's not counting the actual enameling. I really wanted to have the enameling finished before my DH returned because he always constrains my time even more. But...I'm running out of time (as always). I'll just continue working the best that I can and get everything possible finished. With luck, I'll get some things done and I won't have too many issues with lack of sleep since I'm staying up a little later to get just that little bit more done but 3:30 am still comes at 3:30 am.
The snow was lovely, and it is gone. It was the kind of thick and moist snow that clings to everything - outlining every leaf or stipple on each plant. Really stunning. The snow avalanches caused by squirrels running through the branches resembled waterfalls of snow and fell onto the roadways and sidewalks (and occasionally onto the heads of people). But fortunately, it never stuck on the sidewalks or roads and melted off many grassy surfaces by the late afternoon. The remainder of it will probably be gone by the end of the day. This was my kind of snow. A visitation from winter without the consequences of that visit that we will get in another month or two. Do you get snow where you live? Snowflakes are really amazing small sculptures in miniature. Let their detail inspire you to get more focused on the details in your own work today.

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