Friday, July 24, 2009

White Rabbit Time

I'm late. It's 6:30 am and I'm running late . What caused this? I wanted a website that would be easier to find than the original Isis Rising web site that I had registered (a combination of letters and characters that even I can't remember!) So, since GoDaddy was offering a sale, I went onto the website and registered a new domain for my web. Now I just have to get it developed.
But in the midst of this, I also made some test strips for a design that I'm working on for publication, printed business cards for the shop, answered more than 80 Emails, printed a shipping label for the mail order being sent today, and ate breakfast (the most important meal of the day - dont'cha know?). So I'm late, this is short, and I hopefully can catch my breath tonight - but don't count on it :-)
Live a creative life today, and stop and smell a flower or two for me - LOL.

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