Friday, July 3, 2009

High Gear

Time to switch into high gear. I have a lot that I need to accomplish today, so I'm cashing in my "certificate" for an extra day off. It gives me the chance to do more enamel work. I'm hoping to get the charms finished today - but everything has to work out perfectly for that to happen.
After looking carefully at them under daylight yesterday (and giving my arm a day to recover from the abuse that I gave it on Wednesday), I decided that I needed one more coat of color before I paint the details in the final fuse. That means, unfortunately, that I will need to stone the sides and faces of the charms at least two more times today and that hurts. I'm going to have to see if there is a way that I can use my left arm more for that today or repetitive stress injury becomes a possibility.

So, one more coating of color (I hope that one more will be sufficient and I won't need two), then mixing up my colors and using my pens and brushes to put on my logo and paint the details. Then the key will be getting everything fused on properly, having the temps accurate, and not losing the pen work to the fire. I am SO looking forward to an intensive day of playing. And then I get two more days off! It is such a rarity. I hope all of my readers have a fabulous 4th of July while I wish the USA a Happy Birthday!

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