Friday, June 12, 2009

Pain, Tears and Frustration

I hurt. Right now that's the focus of my little personal universe - I hurt. Pain is not only a sensation, it is a color - for me today that color is yellow-orange inside radiating to orange and then to red with purple striations. All of it pulsing (not even to a good, danceable rhythmn), and all of it just telling me how much I hurt. As I had mentioned, I fell while in Milwaukee this past week and injured my arm. Although the range of motion has improved, the pain has increased and I think I'll have to break down and visit the clinic after all . So, that's the physical pain that I'm in right now.
And then there is the psychological pain. I returned home on Monday from a trip where I was gone for more than a week. I have yet to receive a "welcome home" hug and/or kiss from my husband. He always says that it takes him a while to reconcile himself to my leaving him and an equal amount to be happy that I'm back....but you could fool me! I'm starting to feel very unappreciated and unloved. Not a good feeling, although I could probably produce some very bad art from this. After all, isn't misery the wellspring from which much literature is created? Well, color me frustrated, angry, in pain, etc. This makes it difficult to be creative, but the difficulty is in the physical pain aspect more than the others, since the others are becoming as familiar as a well worn pair of shoes.

1 comment:

Drea said...

Aww hon, I'm so sorry to hear that your in pain -- physical or otherwise. Sending you virtual hugs, I know they're not the same as the real deal, but I want you to remember that you are loved.

<3 Andrea