Thursday, June 11, 2009

Running in Place

Ever get the feeling that you are a hamster, running in a wheel but getting nowhere? In a way, I feel rather like that today. I need a jump start to my creativity, but am bogged down in minutae like laundry, housecleaning, deadlines, and of course a grumpy partner . I know I'll work myself out of this, but it is rather sticky quicksand and it is not an easy escape. Part of my problem is simple pain. I injured myself rather seriously over the weekend and, although I am getting better every day, I hurt. My range of motion has been seriously impacted, and every move I make hurts. I had a chance to go to a small Renaissance Fest over the weekend, and I turned it down because I just don't feel up to it. It's unusual for me to turn down an event like this, so that lets me know that I'm not doing very well. I'll just hope that I continue to get better.

But today when I get to the shop I'll get back to work on the final element of my Beading For A Cure piece. It won't take very long to finalize this and I'll be very happy to have one less thing on my plate. I also need to work on scrollwork for my embroidery. If I'm not too busy at the shop today, maybe I'll start working on some ideas. So, creativity isn't dead, it's just getting buried in a sea of pain. But the rescuers are on the way and the liferaft seems to be holding up.

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