Saturday, March 8, 2014

International Women's Day - Are You Strong?

Today is International Women's Day. Some may ask "Why have a day set aside for women? It's not like they are a minority or a charity project or even a cause célèbre for the day."  But take a careful look around you and examine the women you interact with. Are they confident? Do they have options or are they living from one paycheck to the next? Are they able to save for their future? Are they abused? Do they have too many children to raise alone? Are they crying out silently for help? 

Women often stay in abusive situations because of fear
or because they have children and no funds. 

Women generally are paid less than men, absorb most of the child rearing functions, keep the homes running, are often abused, sold into slavery or imprisoned in the home. Often women see themselves as powerless. Often women are treated as a spoil of war. 

Look carefully at the women you know. Are they safe? 

But women are anything BUT powerless if they can join with other women. By reaching out to other women and some men, women can strengthen themselves, gain confidence and skills, and escape horrific situations. In order to do that, though, there has to be confidence that when they speak out, they will have the support needed to leave, to run, or to hide if necessary. 

If they are enslaved - help them break the shackles, real or imagined. 

If they are abused - give them a safe place to hide. Help them leave a bad situation. Help their children. 

If they are underpaid - try and help them increase their skills so that they can find a better paying job. 

Do you know a strong woman?

Do you know a strong woman? Is there a woman you want to remember, maybe even emulate? Tell me about her. 

Greet a new day of equality, no fear and sisterly support. Celebrate
International Women's Day and keep women's strength in your heart. 

Have a wonderful weekend...

Friday, March 7, 2014

Growling Photos - Because I Can

When I got to my computer this morning after my shower I had no internet. It wasn't the computer, it wasn't the modem, it was Comcast. After phoning them and having their automated service acknowledge that there were spotty problems in my area and that it would be fixed by 6:00 am, I sighed and went upstairs to the living room couch with my Nook to read for a half hour. Returning after 30 minutes, I had internet again. But of course, I'm WAY behind schedule. So ... Growl ...

Sometimes a girl just has to growl...

I had a comment from a good friend on yesterday's post that once again he was in town for one day, but working and totally unable to grab any time off to get together. *sigh* I'm hoping that another tour will have him in town for a bit longer and can get together for a meal or a drink. Or maybe we can meet up in Milwaukee again if our schedules intersect. That was such fun when we reconnected so many years ago. But for now ... Growl ...

A growling wolf is a good pic for Seth. Beautiful man, beautiful wolf. What's
not to like? 

I finally finished writing my B2MeM story yesterday and started the editing process. Since my morning's spare time evaporated on me today, I'll have to edit in Open Office instead of Word during the day. That means I'll have to revisit everything I edit today in Open Office in Word tonight to catch formatting issues. Growl ...

There's something so wonderful about a tiger, even when it's
this close to causing you serious bodily harm. 

DH found Ben & Jerry's core ice cream for us at the grocery store yesterday but we decided to wait until watching "Doc Martin" tonight before dipping in to them. This is a Growl for yesterday when I was looking forward to trying some, but a Yummmm for today when I'll get to indulge.

Look at this small growling puppy. Who could be afraid
of this tiny puff ball? 

Finally, it's Friday. For most people that signifies the end of their work week. For me that signifies the next to last day of my work week. But it's Lent (which I don't really celebrate or keep) and that means McDonald's Fish Fillet sandwiches for dinner. OK, I know it's an acquired taste, but I adore Fish Fillet sandwiches and eat them year-round. During Lent they are available at a very inexpensive cost, so this one is no Growl - only a total Yippee! ....

Great ambitions, aren't they? 

Have a totally fabulous Friday and be kind to yourself today. Treat yourself to something fun - a package of gummy worms, an ice cream cone, a truffle, or maybe some time on the park swings. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Time to Buckle Down and Touchstones of Life

I didn't get as much writing done yesterday as I wanted, but I did get all of my errands completed, three loads of laundry done and lots of fruit washed and chicken breasts baked. So the day wasn't a total loss by any means. However, it means that I still have a serious ticking clock making my life a misery for the next six days. I know yesterday was a very slow day at the shop and, even though I really need the customers and their money, I'm also rather hoping that today will be slow too. If it is, I might be able to wrap up the writing and begin the editing today.

I'll be cutting out letters and words today with gusto!
Editing MUST commence. 

Another possibility would be for me to begin the editing process now and then just end things with a flourish. My major problem is the word count - I want it shorter - a lot shorter. I have the same turf and questions being answered by various characters and since this isn't a "sky is falling, sky is falling" children's story, I need to cut out the repetition.

It's time to eliminate some of the repetition and streamline this story.

But in reality and in real life, repetition can be the touchstone that helps ground us to our lives and our loves. That good-bye kiss when I leave for work, that small pat on the backside when I walk by my DH, or just stroking down the back of a kitten or scratching the ears of a dog. These are all feel-good touchstones that can make me feel good.

There's just something about a cat's soft fur that begs to be stroked.

Have you ever purchased something just because of the touch? I've found that things made of stone can have that affect for me. Just stroking the stone can be calming and healing. This type of item is where the term touchstone originated. My touchstones are texture, but also light and color.

I love color and glass. I'm sure that's one of the reasons why I work in
glass when I have time to fire up my kiln or my torch. 

Sometimes I purchase something because of the light - the light it captures or sends out. That's where my candles and my glassware comes into play. The candles cast off a soft, warm light, and the glassware takes ambient light and magnifies or changes it in so many different ways.

There is something so soothing about the soft gleam of a lit candle. 

Then there's color - the color of our lives and homes. I've never been a fan of white walls.  I love color. My house is filled with wall art - paintings, weavings, baskets and metalwork by a variety of people. Each piece brings color into my life. As I age and look into selling many of my cherished items, I know I'll miss them. But life must go on and memories can be strong when things are no longer at hand.

This is NOT my home. Remember, I don't like white walls. But this
eclectic assortment of artwork on the walls is quite nice. 

Enjoy your Thursday. Get something accomplished so that I'll feel like I've done something today too :-)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


We all seem to live our lives around deadlines. I fully admit that I am a challenge and deadline oriented writer. I rise to a challenge to produce a finished product, and a deadline kicks me into high gear. But I have one week to get my B2MeM story completed and there's still a lot that needs to be written. So, after I'm finished repairing a broken bracelet for an elderly lady today, I'll be hitting the keyboard for as much time as I can. It's time to wrap this story up and get to the fun part - editing, deleting, and killing thoughts before they hit the light of everyone's day.

Sometimes we all have to multi-task.

I finally have a day off today and a list of errands that will take me from the south to the north of the city. Fortunately it is not snowing today, and the temps are warmer, so I might have a chance of not spinning out on the road. I really wanted to try and take a test drive in a Kia hamster-mobile today, but I'm not sure I can fit it in. If not today, then for sure next week. I want to see how it handles on snow and ice. I think that's rather important around here.

The Kia Soul looks good from the front and the back. The earlier models
weren't made that well, but the 2014 model has very high ratings and reviews. 

Of course I have other errands to run and do - banking, office supplies, picking up my comic books (yes, I read comic books), several loads of laundry and grocery shopping, but suddenly I'm pushed to focus. "Focus on the written word," I'm hearing in my head. Sheesh! I'm bad enough in normal times, but suddenly I feel super rushed. Nothing for it but to buckle down and get to it.

Now all I have to do is use it! 

Have a great Wednesday, enjoy yourselves and treat yourself to a nice breakfast - the most important meal of the day, right?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Running Late - Bondage, B2MeM, and Aging

I got tied up in some website recommendations and photo blogs this morning. Normally I have an hour to write my blog - today I have 30 minutes. This will be a rushed job!

Were you ever tied up as a kid? These days I tend to get tied up in
photographs or text, not physical cords, but they hold me just as
tightly as if I were bound to my chair. 

The pieces for B2MeM 2014 have started to be released. I'm still writing my story (I'd better check on my deadline once more) but my artwork is in the queue. I have beta work to do, but no cat care today. Yesterday was the final day of cat care. Chickie should have returned late last night and will take today off to recover. Tomorrow I actually get a real DAY OFF again - the first (except for my Sundays) in two weeks. I can hardly wait!

I've loved the items released for Back to Middle-earth Month so far. I have one
story and one artwork for this year's challenge. It's much less work than two
years ago. I didn't care for the format in 2013 and didn't participate that year. 

Waking up this morning and seeing there was no minus sign in front of my temperature gauge made me unreasonably happy. Then again, the entire area has been fighting frozen pipes, and any warming trend will be welcomed with throw blossoms and the sacrifice of an appropriate virgin. It's been a simply beastly winter and even though we are still deeply into winter for another month, we might be turning the corner. At least I really hope so. It's become the fourth coldest winter on record with a huge snowfall too. I'll be very curious to see what our final totals are at the end of the season, but we're up there in the PAIN index.

It's above zero! We're having a Tropical Heat Wave!

I must have slept rather contorted because my arm is really giving me fits this morning. Have you ever experienced that? It's one of those mornings when I think I had my arm twisted in some strange position for an extended period because every time I try to straighten it out, it twitches in pain and complains mightily about being forced into a rational position. Although I'm fully aware that I could have caused a similar condition anytime in my life, the creaks and clicks accompanying this are, I fear, just one more indication of how I'm falling apart as I age.

I just don't contort while sleeping with the same flexibility
I used to have when I was younger. 

Getting old is not for the faint at heart!

Getting old is not for the faint at heart, for sissies, or for those who refuse
to think young. If you can't think young, you'll age before your time. 

Have a fabulous Tuesday and sorry for the random segues above.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Favorite Things

First of all a call out and thank you to all who chimed in on Saturday's post. The discussion was lively and civil, and I really enjoyed hearing from each and every one of you. Now...on to today's blog. 

I love civil discussions with my friends from around the world.
I always learn something and enjoy the various viewpoints and
their ability to focus on a variety of things makes it interesting. 

I got totally tied up reading the first two chapters of a book that will be released in a few days and am running late, so I think I'll deal with some of my favorite things today - fast, easy and non-controversial. All good. 

Is there anything better than a good book? The choice of book will vary
from person to person, but the total enjoyment of visiting or revisiting the
adventures of the characters is one of the best things in my life. 

I love a good meal, and when it's capped off by a lovely dessert, it's really
hard to beat. This ice cream and jam concoction looks simply lovely. 

Speaking of dessert, have you seen or tried any of the new
Ben & Jerry's Core Ice Creams yet? I looked for them in my
store yesterday, but they only had the jam core variety left.
I want to try this one - the Salted Caramel. Here's a link
if you want to look at all five flavors. 

And finally we return once more to good friends. I've been very fortunate
with my LJ friends over the years. I've lose some, but those I've gained have
been wonderful to share with. My friends door is never closed, there's always
room for one more. 

Have a fantastic Monday. It's my final day of kitty care today, so I'll be a happy camper :-)