Saturday, January 18, 2014

Pictures to Sleep With

I'm really tired this morning so I'm doing a picture blog today. And, since I'm tired, I think I'm choosing pictures portraying sleep - but not just any sleep..really cute sleep!  Have a fabulous weekend and I'll be back on Monday.

Here's a very comfortable fox to start us out...

This kitty has the right idea - just indulge...

Sometimes a hug is all we need to be comfortable. I'm not sure
what type of animal is curled up in this sandal, but he
sure looks happy.

A guitar can act like a hammock to the right body. Here, this cat
has practiced a little-known hidden skill of his breed - forming himself
to any shape. 

I did love the kitty with the kitty...too cute!

Finally, this little mouse looks as snug as a bug in a rug. 

And on that note, I wish all of you a great weekend. GO BRONCOS!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Writing, Reading and Watching

Yesterday was a bit slow at the shop (except for the ceiling leaks which I won't discuss because I'm really tired of discussing water issues with all of you and I'm sure you're all tired of reading about them). Because it was slower, I brought my laptop out to the main room so that I could get some computer work done on the shop computers and still do some of my own things on my laptop.

I always wanted to be a great doodler, but I never had the knack. This,
however, is just lovely. By Daisy Jane.  I doodle with words instead. Not
as interesting to look at, but a lot more fun for me. 

ITEM THE FIRST - So, I had my laptop set up and started doodling - that's when I'm just starting into writing a story with no particular idea of where it will go. My B2MeM story got a good start yesterday, and my LOTR Community story is also swimming along. What really pleased me was that I hadn't taken a close look at the parameters for my LOTR Community story until I was about 1000 words into it, but the piece is meeting all of the requirements in spite of my lack of foresight and planning. Yippee!

One of the books recommended to me was this one -
ShadowCastle by Marion Cockrell
I remember reading this as a child and I loved it.
I may still own the book - I tend to keep books over
almost anything else I've owned.

ITEM THE SECOND - I must thank all of you who gave me such wonderful recommendations for writers who have written characters that stay with you. I recognize many of the titles and authors you recommended and even see some of the covers in my mind's eye. Time to take another look at some of these (call me happy).

"Under the Gunn" features Tim Gunn  and three previous designers who will
be learning how to mentor beginning designers. The three mentors are
Anya Ayoung Chee, Nick Verreos and Mondo Guerra. Each mentor has
different strong points. I'd work with Mondo or Nick in a second, but
have always been unimpressed with Anya's sewing skills. 

ITEM THE THIRD (A) - I had a chance to catch Episode #1 of "Under the Gunn" last night. I must admit to a bit of frustration about the selection process. Because of the way it is set up, splitting the candidates into two groups and focusing on a single group at a time through the selection phase, the second group is given a distinct disadvantage. Even if each designer in the second group produces amazing work that is far and above most of the people in the first group, two of them will still have to go home. To me that's dreadfully unfair. I think they should have had all of the candidates make their items, show all of them at a full runway, and then make the twelve selections from the full group. I don't disagree with the person who was sent home in group one, but I think it could have been handled in a more equitable fashion.

Because of the way that I post my blog across several different
platforms, I'm just pasting the link for the video below here
instead of trying to embed it and hoping that the link would
work properly. Go ahead and take a look, or
search it out for yourself on YouTube as 100 years/style/east london

ITEM THE THIRD (B) - Speaking of watching, check out the video. This is 100 years of fashion in dance and clothing. Although there is a longer version of this too, I linked the shorter one because it loads quickly and it's just fun to watch. It's less than two minutes long, so just enjoy. As a fashion maven I had to watch it several times just to try and catch all of the various costume changes. It's great fun.

So, have a wonderful Friday and enjoy your day!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Be Careful What You Ask For

Was it only a few days ago that I had decried the lack of writing assignments on my plate? Silly me! I had forgotten about the LOTR Community Challenge, which has now come through, my Tolkien Weekly challenge is continuing to make me think with every post, and I now have my assignment for B2MeM 2014 with a firm deadline. I guess I'm busy after all - LOL.

Between all of the assignments listed above I have my novel. But my novel is in a "bothering her" state right now. This is a point in time when I think about what I've written to this point, the next direction I need the plot to go, and how my characters need to get there, and I'm bothered by how it will all work out. I'm taking the advice of a good on-line friend and will start rereading my novel from the beginning to see about getting things back on track and eliminating some side plot lines that are bogging things down.

Aearwen and I had a great talk about character development yesterday during our weekly schmooze. Although she thought that having a gripping plot with good writing would keep people interested in a book, and I didn't disagree with that, I also pointed out that how a character is written may well be the difference between success and failure. I've been reading through the works of some authors who write characters that jump off the page and grip me, and comparing them to works where I feel that the characters are dead and lifeless, even though the plot is good enough to keep me fighting through to the end of the book. So I must ask, "What makes a character live on the page?"

Character development is a central part of each creative writing course I've taken or audited over the years, and it is the core of most books. Some authors can sell their books simply based on their history with readers. I put Stephen King in that category. He's an accomplished writer, can draw out a good tale and makes sure to hit plot twists, unexpected movements, and strong characters. But he doesn't pull me in as much as other authors and I admit that I put down his latest, "Doctor Sleep," without coming anywhere close to finishing it. I'm not sure I'll pick it back up again.

Isn't he a wonderful character? What storyline could you devise to explain
his location and history? 

I want to read a book that draws me with both a great plot as well as a selection of really interesting characters whose welfare I care about. If one of those two elements is missing, I'll feel unfulfilled as I attempt to read the book. Often I will push my way through and read the book anyway, especially if it is by an author whose work I have enjoyed in the past. But if one or the other of these two aspects doesn't come through, the book falls flat and becomes something that I would sell for next to nothing at a garage (or rummage) sale. Having interesting characters that grip the reader is something to strive for in my own writing.

Have you read a book lately that gripped you and wouldn't let you go? Tell me about it in the comments and maybe I'll find a new author or plot to dive into.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I massively overslept this morning - by more than two hours. I'll try and post my usual longer post later in the day, but right now you only get one pic and a very rushed person (who actually got some needed sleep, I guess - LOL).

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pretty Pictures - Nights and Moons

Last night as I was driving home from work I was mesmerized once again by the moon. Now this is nothing new. I recall bouncing around in my yard as a child shouting out (P...'s moon, P....'s moon *and that's as close as you'll ever get to my birthname*) because I found it so magical and wondrous. It still works its spells upon my soul. So even though I am very much a sun worshiper - rising to greet each day and bidding it farewell at sunset - there is something very special about the moon. I think it is time for a photographic blog post, and today I'm honoring the moon.

We'll start out with this lovely shot of the moon and roiling clouds. It's rather
ominous, in a way. But stunningly beautiful. 

This picture of the moon behind tree branches almost seems as
though it was taken from someone's lit patio or yard. The lighting
gives the tree branches a really interesting golden glow to offset the
silver moon. 

I've always been fond of the moon with superimposed branches look, and
this pic is one of my favorites. It's stunning, crisp and clear. 

I love the brilliant gold of a harvest moon. I also love the
optical illusion that makes the moon so large at the horizon and
so small overhead. Yes, there are some changes in orbit, but not
that much. The differences are caused by atmospheric curvature changing
the optics. It's a stunning effect. 

And finally, to give credit to other aspects of the moon, a lovely waxing moon
over the treetops on a clear night. 

Are you all ready to go out and howl today? The moon seems to bring out the beast in people, or is it the best in people instead? In either case, I love the moon. Enjoy your Tuesday and look for the almost full moon in the sky tonight.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Two to Go

Yesterday was spent being lazy - well, not as lazy as some, but I didn't do any real housework, played LOTR On-Line with DH for a few hours, and watched football before going out to check that my father-by-marriage's home had been properly locked up after the latest real estate showing. The football games were WONDERFUL and best of all, my Broncos WON! So, next week they are hosting New England in the Mile High City for the Divisional Playoffs and, if they can win that game, two weeks afterward they will be one of the two teams in the Superbowl.

I agree with this in many respects. Although I'll turn something in,
I know I could do better and keep turning it over and over in my head,
sometimes going back to rewrite and edit again and again to fine-tune.
That's the mark of a perfectionist. 

Now, I fully realize that many of you could care less about American football, and that of those who love the sport, even fewer of you will be Broncos fans, but my BFF Sharon and I bleed orange and blue and both of us are jumping up and down for joy this morning while looking at the upcoming game with a bit of trepidation. But, I have high hopes that Peyton Manning and the rest of the team can pull this off and take my Broncos to the Superbowl. The game itself will be in East Rutherford, New Jersey so weather may also play a factor. I'll be watching, no matter who gets in. I love Superbowl Sunday.

MetLife Stadium, the home of the Giants, is where the Superbowl will be
held on February 2nd. Every seat will be filled and millions more will be
watching on TV, including my DH and I . 

I have writing projects to start out my week, which always makes me happy. I got my assignment request confirmation for B2MeM 2014 and will be starting work on that, as well as my prompt for the next Tolkien Weekly drabble. It's always a nice challenge to continue a theme through the drabbles, and I'm hoping I can make this one work within the structure of the past three. No guarantees, but it's always fun to try and get it just right.

I saw this wonderful watercolor of Gandalf entering the Shire and just had to share it.

I've also been enjoying the Snowflake Challenge prompts. I have a few to catch up on from the weekend, but those will be done and probably posted on LJ today or tomorrow. I love waking up on a Monday with writing challenges waiting for me that are shorter than my novel. It doesn't change the fact that I still write on the longer book, but it's really fun to have something completed in under 20,000 words.

The Snowflake Challenge has been fun and I've been sharing it with a lot
of my friends in LJ and DW. I wasn't going to participate initially, but
I'm glad I changed my mind. 

So, nothing fascinating today. I'll try to give you something more interesting to read and great pics tomorrow just because... LOL.