Saturday, November 6, 2010

Party Day and Not Thinking Straight

So, today is the day of Chickie's party.  I'm looking forward to it.  I didn't write my eulogy yet, but I can speak on the fly pretty well, and I might have a chance to write some of it on my laptop at the shop.  I still need to paint the back of the tombstone, I'll do that at the shop this morning, I'll just put the tombstone into a black large bag so that Chickie won't be able to see anything when I carry it in and out of the store.  I think I'll load the easel this morning also - it's the one item that I need a lot of room to load.  The storyboard, rose petals, seating chart cards and other items can just go together tonight.  She's used to my wearing basic black - I wear black most often at the store on any given day.  So my clothing won't be a problem.  I'm going to have some fun tonight. 

Happy Birthday to Chickie!
Celebrating the Big-40 Today!

Yesterday I started work on a bracelet using a new style of bead that one of the Japanese factories introduced this fall.  I wanted a jagged look.  I was quite obviously brain dead, because after working on it for an hour, I realized that I don't have a jagged look, I have an extra row instead, so that it is three high instead of two high, and basically, I did it completely wrong.  So, I can either continue with the incorrect weave for my bracelet, or I can rip it apart and start working on doing it properly.  I tend to think I'll rip it apart.  That should be a lesson to me to not start a new project that I actually have to think about when I am exhausted.  I'll have better luck with this on Sunday, after I tear the incorrect version apart and begin again.  I'll waste thread, but that's not the end of the world. 

Friday, November 5, 2010

Two Days and Counting

The last thing that I am working on is the tombstone for Chickie's chair.  I needed to add a backing to it so that it would have more stability, and we will have to pin the ribbons to the elastic bands once we are there.  The chair will be a bit "futzy", but everything else is organized and ready to go, and I think things will work smoothly.  I wanted to write my eulogy, but I may have to wing it.  I can do that, I'm actually a good public speaker and good at thinking on my feet.  However, if I get a chance, I'll try and at least write some notes down tonight. 

Delivering a eulogy - hope mine will be as funny!

I have received cards from almost everyone who said they would send one.  Got Sharon's yesterday, Pam's last week.  I still don't have one from Quill, but I can't do anything else to get it and it might come today.  I still have one person who needs to pay me - I'll hit her up that night.  Everyone else paid timely and I think we're as set to go as possible.  I just need to get everything together into a single package with the storyboard, fabrics and easel, and we'll be ready to rock.  I'll be happy to have this party over and done with, I have other things that I need to concentrate on now. 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Working a Six-Day Week

So, since this is the start of my six-day weeks, I don't have another day off for a week. I only have to work for four hours on Sunday, but it still means that I won't be able to spend the day raking leaves or playing LOTRO or whatever (reading fanfic, perhaps). However, even though we are putting handouts into every customer's bag, I probably will have a really easy day. I wanted to have a Constant Contact Email ready to go, but I think I'll actually aim for next week instead. I want to offer a serious discount on a single item to kick off our holiday season. We have to do something, the people just aren't coming through the door.

 Working a six-day week. Aack!!!

There is a beaded bracelet using the Tila beads that I think would make a really nice display item, and possibly a good holiday gift. I will be doing a combination of reading on-screen and beading at the same time pretty darned soon, now. I have several people that I need to make gifts for, and I have two things in mine that might work. And I think I'll make my DH at least two pairs of pants. He really needs them and I already have the fabric for them. So it would be a Wednesday or two of my time, but wouldn't cost me any more money unless I need another spool of thread, so I could afford to do it and it would be a good gift. Of course, his birthday is the day after Christmas, and that double whammy is what always kills my budget. I don't have a lot (say next-to-none) discretionary income for this holiday season, so I have to be creative with my gifts this year.

White Light is healing light.

Thanks to all of you who sent white light for my friend Cindy yesterday. I haven't heard anything yet (probably won't for a few days), but as soon as I know, I'll let you know too.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Party Countdown/White Light

Today is the last day that I have available for Chickie Birthday Party preparation.  I have almost everything finished, but I have to work on the tombstone (make it stable and something that I can mount to the back of the chair) and finish the printing of the remembrance cards and the seating chart cards.  Then I have to assemble everything so that I can set things up easily.  I think I'll still run out two sets of seating charts, just in case my DH changes his mind and decides to come at the last minute.  But he probably won't come along.  It's too bad - it would be a lot of fun to have him join us.  I'll make sure to take a camera - this will be too much fun not to share. 

The TEA Party - Taxed Enough Already
There's a lot I don't like about them, but I
also am sick of taxes everywhere I turn.

The elections are over, and some races, including our Governor here in the state of Minnesota, are too close to call yet.  But the Republicans took the House of Representatives.  Democrats retained their control of the Senate.  The Tea Party (Taxed Enough Already) had a serious impact, and in many instances I can't say that I don't agree with a lot of their platform.  The basics are smaller government, smaller taxes, and taking the government away from career politicians - bringing it back to the people.  So, we now have several Tea Party-backed candidates who got elected.  It remains to be seen what they can accomplish, but it should be an interesting two years until the next major election which will also be a Presidential election.  If Obama can't become more centrist and accomplish things to improve the economy, etc., he will be a one-term president, just like Jimmy Carter was.  He needs to emulate Bill Clinton and shift to a more centrist position, working well with both sides of the aisle.  But I'm not so sure that the Senators and Representatives will move from their ingrained party positions.  And that's a big part of why politics and government is starting to not function. 

Nodules on a Thyroid.  This is NOT a good thing!

I almost forgot...I have a very dear friend.  Cindy has been a friend for 30 years.  She's had a rough road - has had Multiple Sclerosis for as long as I've known her.  She found some lumps and is going in for tests today to see if they are cancerous.  I am asking all of you who read this blog to think kind thoughts for her today and send white light to her for cleansing and healing.  I know that with all of you helping, her nodules will not be cancerous and she'll be fine again.  Right now the stress is max. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day

Today is Election Day in the US.  I don't care who you want to vote for or whether you just don't care at all or are passionate about politics, get out there and vote.  Stand in line, get your ballot, and vote.  No excuses. 

 Honor your past - VOTE!

Why am I so passionate about this right?  Start thinking about it.  First of all - women have been able to vote for LESS than 100 years!  Less than 100 years!  Before that we had no say at all in our own futures.  That, in itself, should be enough to get every woman to the polls, but I know it won't be for some of you.  So think about this. 

Suffragettes went to prison - some even died for the
right to vote.  Honor your grandparents - VOTE!

People around the world take their lives into their hands to go to their local polls and vote.  That's right, people die for this right that we take for granted.  Your grandmothers died and/or were arrested to have this right, and your grandfathers were beaten and shot because they had the courage to express their convictions at the polls.  Respect your heritage and get yourself to the polls to vote. 

People around the world and even in our own country
have fought hard for the right to vote.  Don't waste
their efforts on your behalf.  VOTE!

And finally, if you want a change in policy; if you want the economy to recover and if you want to see things shift, send a message to Washington DC and vote.  Vote for a change.  I'm not saying who I will vote for, because I truly haven't made up my mind (it a choice of bad and badder), but make change happen if you want to see change.  Make your voice count.  In 1860, 81% of the qualified population voted.  81%!!!  Try to get the percentages up again and stake your own personal claim in history - VOTE TODAY! 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Holidays and Moods

Today marks the official beginning of our Holiday Season at work.  It is a season that I truly hate because I work six-day weeks until Christmas, but I have to do whatever I can because we need whatever income we can generate throughout these weeks.  I'll be sending an Email to my customers within a day or two telling them about new products and our holiday hours, and I need to do a Holiday Hours sign today for my windows and door.  We'll decorate the store before Thanksgiving, and we'll have Christmas Carols on the radio after Thanksgiving.  The CD player part of the stereo has been broken for a couple of years, so we're stuck with the radio.  But there are a couple of stations that play a decent selection of traditional and non-traditional carols. 

 Elegant Holiday decorations

Last night was Halloween.  We live very close to a college and usually do get some college students coming by for trick-or-treat.  I really enjoy having the college kids - it's almost all women.  Last night we got 10 women and one man, not as many as last year when we had more than 20 kids.  It was fun though and I always love giving out the candy.  We pace ourselves with the leftover candy - between one and three pieces on an average night each.  We have lots of leftovers this time, and I find that I don't mind that little bit of sweetness and chocolate as a top-off to my evening.  So extra left-overs are OK.  Otherwise I would bring some to the shop and give them to customers. 

Sunrise - the colors always give me hope for each day

I'm feeling a bit depressed today.  I'm sure I'll get over it, but it's just the way that it is.  I'm usually a very positive person - I work hard at that.  I don't want to dive back into the depths of depression that I had many years ago - NOT a fun experience.  I'll feel better once I see the sunrise and feel the joy that greeting the sun always brings to me.