Tuesday, October 15, 2024

LJ Idol, Bags and Winter is Coming

A bit of a rushed post today because it's a swimming day and I actually slept until my 3:00 am alarm went off. Thanks to all of your votes, I survived last week's Idol challenge and move on to Week 12. I think this is the longest I've survived in this writing competition, and I'm thrilled. The theme this time is "From the Wreckage" - appropriate since our Guru and Moderator lives in Florida. 

I don't think I've ever survived to Week 12 in LJ Idol 
before this time and I thank each and every one of 
you who have voted for my stories. This week's story 
is due in two days, so I'd better get thinking and writing. LOL

I'm heading to the pool in about 20 minutes, so this post will be "compact" LOL. It's been a bit crazy at the shop - either feast or famine. I need more "feast" days and less of the "famine" days. Yesterday was a total famine day, starting out with a street person buying a single long leather lace to redo his shoelaces. Apparently he suffered from narcolepsy, because he had a couple of episodes while he was in the shop chair changing his lace and getting things cut correctly for the pair. He was well spoken and quite nice, but I imagine his illness made him completely unemployable. He lives on the streets, it was easy to tell, but he was bundled up appropriately for the much colder weather we are having right now, and for the winter upcoming. I wish him well on his journeys. 

I'd never met someone suffering from 
narcolepsy before. It was rather 
eye-opening and a bit shocking. I 
really felt for the guy because the 
impact on his life must be horrible. 

I offered to buy him a cup of coffee, but he turned me down with thanks and headed on his way. I did have one of my regular customers in later, but it was a really slow day. Maybe just because it's a Monday, maybe because people are apprehensive about their futures until after the election. Maybe a lot of things, but the result was a really poor day of sales. 

My paper bags are packaged and wrapped 
into "sleeves" with two sleeves per 
box. Usually they just pull out the excess, 
this time they didn't, and I had a 
new salesperson. So I suspect I got 
and was charged for two times what 
I needed and ordered. The excess is 
being returned for credit this morning. 

So I'm off to the pool to work off some of my frustration. I'll have to make a detour on my way to work and drop off a bundle of paper bags I purchased yesterday (and get a refund for them). I ordered one sleeve of bags, but they gave me a box which has two sleeves. I don't need that many bags, and can't afford them either. So, one sleeve is going to be returned today. 

Without a doubt, winter is coming to the Frozen 
Northlands. We escaped winter last year - it was 
highly unusual and exceptionally warm without 
snow. We won't get that lucky a second time 
in a row. 

That's all from St Paul. Our temperatures are dropping, and I suspect I won't have a wonderful winter like last one's. This year I'll be doing a lot of snow shoveling to get to the gym. Last year's winter was a joke. This year ... well, let's just say that winter will return from its' vacation ready and willing to give us lots of snow once again. The vacation was very nice, but I think it'll be good to have a real winter also, even though it's a ton of work for DH pulling snow down from the roof so that we don't leak in the house. Have an excellent Tuesday, I'm off to the pool. Slava Ukraini. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sunday Was a Bit of a Wasted Day

DH and I wasted a few hours on Sunday afternoon looking for a sound bar for the new TV in the computer room. We have a limited height we can work with - it needs to fit into a cubby. There's also a limited length. Put the two together, and we're eliminated 90% of the soundbars that are out there. Then, finding one that worked, and figuring out if we could actually connect it to the TV (which doesn't have the proper port) was ... well, let's call it an exercise of several hours of futility. We ended up going to Best Buy for almost two hours, and then to Target for another 30 minutes before resorting to looking through on-line offerings. I'm leaving it all up to him. I wash my hands of this one. 

DH wants a soundbar for the computer room TV. He 
finds that it doesn't have enough volume. Of course, 
I think it's just fine, but he's quite deaf. He gets 
very upset when I point that out to him, however. 
He really should see his audiologist for another 
hearing test and maybe some of the ultra-small 
ear buds they have these days. But that's an 
argument I won't win. 

Between football and hockey, the rest of our day was bookended with sports on the TV, something I enjoy a great deal. I had been in touch with my salesperson for the treadmill about additional virtual tracks I could do on the equipment (two options get boring VERY quickly). DH won't care at all about the virtual tracks, he just huffs and runs. I, on the other hand, do fast walking, and having scenery to look at makes things a LOT less boring. After she got back to me with a 12-month free menbership to the Treo app (already installed on the tread), I dove into that yesterday afternoon to get my password entered and see what they had. 

The treadmill has the Treo Wellmess app already 
installed on it, and my salesperson, Elizabeth, told 
me that I get one year at no charge through the purchase. 
She provided me with all the log-in information I 
needed so I got that all done yesterday afternoon, and 
started using some of the other virtual reality scenes 
today. I used a bike one today, but there's no reason 
I can't run to the same scenery as biking through it. 

Although there are a limited number of options for running/walking, I can easily use the biking or elliptical virtual scenery just as well, so today I chose the Chilean Andes from my choices, and lost myself in 30+ minutes of stunning beauty. I don't get the altitude changes that I would on a hiking module, but I set a hard pace and just enjoyed the scenery (and the llamas jumping off the roadway). It was great. I had my earbuds plugged in to my favorite Sirius channel on my phone, and I was good to go. So, my posts on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays will be a bit truncated, because I'm running those days. I actually have more time to post on my swimming days than my running ones. LOL

I live to write another day. "whew!" Thank You 
to everyone who voted for me. Every vote was 
important and meant the world to me. I love 
this competition. 

And ... I live to write another day. Two wonderful writers were eliminated in this latest installment, and although again I was near the bottom, I managed to survive. I'm looking forward to this next theme and I'll have to remember to print it out so that I can think about it a little bit. I send out a huge THANK YOU to all of you who voted for me. I was in the bottom five, but fortunately, not in the bottom two. So ... have a fabulous Monday. Mine will start out VERY busy with a quick run to the bank and then picking up merchandise bags for the shop. I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Wrapping Up the Week

I'm running late today - still trying to figure out the best new schedule that builds 45-60 minutes on the treadmill into my early mornings and still allows for everything else. Today I almost forgot to write my blog which hasn't happened for years and years. Shame on me! But, I remembered before I left the house, which makes me happy. I don't enjoy posting my blog from the laptop. 

I'm still trying to get used to the new schedule of 
putting the treadmill into my "off" days. I love 
the machine, though. It's pretty darned awesome. 

It's finally Saturday and the end of a busy, busy week. I have some on-line shopping to get done when I get to the shop, and there's a vendor claiming they didn't get paid for last month (I checked my on-line bank statement and I did, indeed, pay). I'll have to write down the particulars and phone them on Monday. 

Let's wrap the week up on a high note. 

I'm really hoping for a relaxing Sunday, and have no faith that I actually will get it. Still, I can hope. Sundays are my non-exercise days, so I'll be able to sleep in and enjoy. Monday will be back on the treadmill with my usual swimming days of Tuesday through Thursday before returning to the treadmill for Friday and Saturday. But here it is, 7:17 am, and I've already done more than 7500 steps. I figured out that my wrist watch (which counts my steps because of arm motion) wasn't getting much data because I was holding on to the side sensors for heart rate. So, I moved my watch from my wrist to my ankle today. MUCH more successful. It's still a learning platform, but I'm feeling much more confident. 

I'm really liking the new treadmill, although it's still a 
basic bore. I need to work on how to make it a more 
interesting exercise. I use audio books for my swimming, 
and I may have to do that as well for the treadmill. 

So, I'm going to wrap this up and get going. I hope all of you have a fabulous and safe weekend and I'll be back next week. I'll try to take photos of our spectacular autumn colors on Wednesday to share with all of you late in the week. Be kind and have a great weekend. Slava Ukraini. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Scheduling, Treadmill, VOIP and a Dehydrator - Lots of This and That

I'm off schedule today, so quite late with this post. My apologies. I'm trying to get into the habit of getting onto the treadmill first thing in the morning on the days that I work on that equipment (Friday, Saturday and Monday). I had decided to try something different today, so I took my phone and earbuds and set up my favorite listening music on Sirius. There's nothing like hard rock to get things moving in the morning. I had a much more productive "run" because of the sound that accompanied the virtual screen, and managed to get in 2-1/2 miles before calling it done for the day. I'm very happy with the treadmill - it's quiet, it works perfectly, and (so far) it's all mine. I'm happy to share with DH, but there are some ground rules he'll have to follow, or he'll be banned. (Cleanliness is prominent in those ground rules.) 

I'm used to the gym where people are really good about 
cleaning their machines when they're finished using them. 
DH, on the other hand, isn't so good about that. I'll 
have to insist - I don't want my treadmill to be scuzzy. 

After a shower, I settled down for a bite to eat, then remembered I hadn't done my blog yet. OOPS! So, you're getting this almost an hour later than you normally would. Far from the end of the world, but definitely different. 

I have a rather generic smart watch, similar 
to this one. It's perfect for my swimming. 
Looking at the measurements it can do, it will 
also do my pulse rate monitoring and of 
course, count my steps. I love it when I don't 
have to purchase another piece of equipment. 

I also wasted some time trying to see about a portable heart rate monitor, not realizing that my smart watch does that function for me without having to buy/wear another piece of equipment. Yippee! At least one good thing today. 

Our new phones are similar to this one - larger 
than what we've had in the past, but also much 
easier for DH to actually hear through, and for 
my shop people to handle. Going wireless will 
be a big switch for us, but it's time to go with 
the flow (and the Federal mandate - LOL). 

I'm in the middle of a "negotiation" with my phone company and my security alarm people at the shop. We are upgrading to wireless for our phone system (actually mandated for businesses by the end of the year). I found a company I liked for that, and signed a contract with them. They, in turn, sent me two phones at no charge (and they're REALLY nice VOIP phones), and are giving me two months free while we arrange to get our security alarm system ready to move to wireless as well. THAT's been like pulling the whole camel through the eye of the needle. 

VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) phones, or 
other wireless types, are required for businesses 
by the end of this year, and for homes by the 
end of next year. They're trying to eliminate 
copper wiring all-around. Not a bad idea, actually. 
But it's an expense we hadn't planned on. 

The original quote from my alarm company was almost $1200! and I totally balked at that. I drilled down and talked to a lot of people, finally finding out in detail exactly what was required to do the switchover, talked with the person who had generated that quote, and he came back to me yesterday with one closer to $900. It's still pricey, but it's better. He also broke down the costs, and almost half ot that $900 is the new equipment box that will be necessary to get everything wireless. The remainder is installation and labor. I guess I can live with that, so now to herd the cats so that everyone is doing their installation/switchover within the same 24 hour period. I don't want to be without my security alarm for longer than that. 

Dehydrated pineapple is one of my favorite treats from 
my dehydrator. I have a pineapple that's perfectly ripe, and 
I set up the dehydrator this morning. I'll have a lovely snack 
by this time tomorrow. 

I'll be trying to work out all of the details today, making lots of phone calls and trying to get things scheduled between the two different companies. In between all of that, I also have other things on my agenda that have to happen, and I set up the dehydrator to make one of my absolute favorite things - dried pineapple chunks. SO GOOD! So I'll be busy today - nothing unusual about that - LOL. Have an excellent Friday, I'll be back tomorrow to wrap up the week. Be kind, make someone smile today, and Slava Ukraini. 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

A Traveling Phlebotomist (Who Knew?) and Hurricane Milton

Have you ever heard of a "travelling phlebotomist"? I was introduced to one yesterday, for my blood draw. The lab at my clinic is now being managed by an outside firm, although they are still located in the large building that houses the clinic. The older woman I had for my blood draw yesterday was having some difficulties getting one of my tests to be accepted in their new computer system, and we had a chance to chat a little bit while she was working things out. 

It's probably disrespectful, but I usually think of 
phlebotomists as "vampires" in a modern setting. 
Of course, phlebotomists are nothing of the sort, 
but I'm sure many of you also call them by that 

Now, I'm a horrible person for blood draws. I have VERY small veins, and usually they have to use baby needles on me for any success. Some people are great at hitting the vein immediately, but others make me feel like a pincushion. She was of the first variety. While drawing my blood, she told me that she's a travelling phlebotomist, and she accepts three-month jobs at a variety of hospitals and clinics throughout the USA. She had just returned to traveling after spending three months with her husband and his aged parents in North Carolina. But her job has allowed her to see many parts of the nation in short bits and pieces. It's been perfect for her, and she was GREAT. 

Usually after any blood draw, I'll have bruising 
at the vein or within the vicinity. This time I 
have no mark at all, and no blood on the gauze 
either. She was superb at her job. 

Usually I have a bruise, and a bit of dried blood on the gauze and bandaid, but not this time. Not one drop staining anything and my arm looks untouched. Brilliant! I wish I could have her every time I need a blood draw, but I'm sure she'll be in a different clinic in a different state when I need my next one. I wish her well on her continued travels and a happy and long life. 

Hurricane Milton is a monster, and so incredibly 
destructive. I have on-line friends who are in the 
affected area, as well as friends who have relatives 
living there. I hope everyone comes through safely. 

Our Great Leader for LJ Idol is being affected by the hurricane, and has put everything on hold until after he's able to return to "normal". I may survive to write another week through default - LOL - but I'll take it. I adore writing to theme, it stretches my mind and imagination. I hope he and everyone affected have pulled through this safely. It looked AMAZINGLY HUGE and quite frightening on the small screen of the TV, and I'm grateful that we only have occasional tornadoes up here. Yes, tornadoes are very destructive, but they have a much smaller area of direct impact. In addition, not that it matters, tornadoes are beautiful to see (from a distance). Have a wonderful Thursday, be safe and be kind. I'm off to the pool for my final swim of the week. Treadmill on Friday and Saturday - hurrah! Slava Ukraini. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

It's a Super Busy Day Off Today

It's a short post today because it's a VERY busy one. I start out at the swimming pool, of course, my normal routine for a Wednesday. Then it goes all squirrely - a 9:00 am appointment at the clinic for some bloodwork (no breakfast for me until lunch - LOL), followed by grocery shopping. In the day at some point, going to my tailor with Jim's four new pairs of pants and a set of old ones. I need her to shorten the new pants to the inner leg length of the old set. I simply don't have the time to deal with this, and she and her hubby do a great job. 

Kim's Tailors is run by Mr and Mrs Kim. They're a bit 
unusual. They don't accept credit cards, only cash or 
checks. They're one of the few places I actually hand-write 
a check for. 

There's going to be some grocery shopping, and of course it's also trash collection day and recycling collection day too, so lots of buckets to take to the curb. I'm grateful that it's not raining or snowing, that would be the cap to my morning - LOL. 

I usually put the buckets at the curb as I leave for the 
gym in the morning. It might be dark, but I can see 
enough to get them in the proper spot. I'll check the 
yard waste bucket when I get home. No light in the 
backyard to see at 4:30 am. 

LJ Idol is temporarily suspended while the hurricane hits Florida. I'm not sure if our Guru evacuated, but he most certainly was impacted. I'm grateful for those votes I have received after my last plea, I feel slightly more comfortable now. But comfort doesn't mean anything in Idol when you're near the bottom in vote count. Still, the comments on my latest entry have been very positive and I'm gratified by the responses I've received. 

Our Guru for LJ Idol lives in Florida and is getting 
a direct impact from Hurricane Milton. Everything 
has been put on hold while he evacuated, and whether 
this week's contest will be wrapped up, or simply 
called a draw and we'll move on to the next, is still 
in the air. I just hope he and his family are safe. 

So, I'm off to the pool. I might as well get this day going so that I can collapse tonight and get a good night's sleep. Have an excellent Wednesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Stay safe, be kind, and help others. Slava Ukraini. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

I'm Herding Cats and Begging for LJ Idol Votes

Trying to get things organized at the shop for our VOIP switchover is rather like herding cats. There's no problem on the phone end. I have a signed contract, I have two phones that they sent me at N/C, I have two free months to get everything switched over before we start getting charged for it. So far, no problem. The problem is coming in with our security system. According to the quotation that the security company gave me, it's going to cost us more than $1000 to get the security system changed from a land line to a VOIP line. I look at that and shake my head in disbelief. It's NOT that big of a deal - at least that's what Tech Services at the alarm company has told me. 

A VOIP system is Voice Over Internet 
Protocol system - a digital phone system. 
We've always had land lines here, but 
they're getting phased out and copper lines 
are being phased out. The VOIP phones are 
more environmentally friendly, and are a 
legal phone (as opposed to our land line). 

So I actually put in a call for a tech to come out and even though what I called them about is rather bogus, I'm hoping that the tech responding can answer a few questions about our system and getting things onto VOIP and even whether the system will be able to function on VOIP. I'm perfectly willing to go a SINGLE night without a security alarm at the shop, but no more than that. One night means DH will probably have to sleep in his chair there - it's been done before when we've had attempted break ins, but it's uncomfortable and in this case, I feel it's unnecessary. 

One mountain conquered, a mountain range yet 
to climb. It's a never-ending saga just keeping our 
heads in the game with changing regulations and 

Still, one mountain conquered, an entire mountain range still remaining. *sigh* I'm off to the pool today. I need to work off some of this tension. 

Votes for our current stories closes this afternoon, and 
once again I'm in the bottom. If you haven't put in a vote 
for my story, I'd really appreciate it if you'd consider doing so. 

Votes close this afternoon for my current LJ Idol tale. If you haven't voted, I'd REALLY appreciate your vote. I'm always near the bottom and today is no exception. I'd love to live to write another chapter in this Idol, but if not, it's been a really fun challenge. We'll see. The link for voting is here ( https://therealljidol.dreamwidth.org/1167166.html ) and as I said, votes close in about 12 hours from when I post the blog. 

I'm off to the pool. I have a new skin suit (they do stretch out, and I had one that developed a tear in the fabric that caused me to toss the entire suit). On average, my skin suits last 6-9 months. When I can get a full year out of them, that's fabulous, but it's also rather rare. Still, I love wearing that type of suit, and for the outdoors, with my skin, it's essential. I'm off and out of here, the chlorine water is calling my name. Have a wonderful Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini.