Monday, February 17, 2025

It's the Start of Another Very Busy Week

Hello Monday, the start of a very busy week, and it's damned COLD outside (-12F -24.4C). I'll be bundling up for work and apologizing to my car for having to keep her outside while I'm working, instead of semi-cozy in our unheated, but at least protected. garage. *sigh* At least I got a good workout on the treadmill. That's one positive thing about sitting at my desk. Another positive thing is putting up my daily blog post, but that's pushed away by the stack of bills to be paid that are sitting on the desk behind my keyboard. I just can't win. Every positive has a negative right now. 

We actually had a nice, relaxing day yesterday, and that 
was one very positive thing. I also had a really good 
fast-walk this morning. I suppose I can handle a little 
bit of negativity after two positive things. 

So while I'm feeling much better than a few days ago, I have a Wednesday that's stacked with both positive and negative outlooks. A morning appointment with radiology - I don't think I'll be receiving any radiation on this visit, I'm fairly sure it's more informational than directed. And in the afternoon, my wrap-up appointment with my Oncology Surgeon. I love her - she's a straight shooter and doesn't mince words. I suspect she'll be not happy that I shoveled the driveway on Friday, but I'm not really happy with that decision either - LOL. I do seem to be healing, however. 

I knew better than to shovel the driveway, but 
I felt it needed to be done. BUT it was a BAD 
idea, and I've been paying the price. I suspect 
my surgeon won't be happy with that particular 
decision. *sigh* 

I still have a lost email that I had wanted to send to the auction house we're thinking about using for some of our Southwestern items. I worked hard on that email for more than an hour, and my laptop hiccuped when I was sending it. It disappeared into cyberspace and I haven't been able to retrieve it at all, from any direction. That was a lot of work that now needs to be redone, and I have limited time in which to compose it. GRRRR

If it was merely a deleted email, I could easily get it 
back. It disappeared while I was sending it, and I 
can't find a trace of it. I'll do some more hunting later 
today. *sigh*

So, here we are, starting off another week. I'm hoping that your week will be terrific with a lot of really positive things happening, hugs, puppy dog snuffles and good news. I think we all need some good news right about now. I'll stick with living one day at a time right now ... it's not paying to look too far ahead. And I'll also start work on that lost email once again. No choice. *sigh* Have a great Monday, I'll be back tomorrow. Slava Ukraini. 

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