Thursday, October 21, 2021

Mis-Steps Dogged My Path on Wednesday - Chickie Returns Today

Yesterday was a series of mis-steps. I arrived at the YMCA in plenty of time for swimming and knew I had a 5:00 am slot. But, when I checked in, my Gate Gargoyle, Ed, said I wasn't on the list! I was shocked, said a few bad words, and stormed out. I was LESS than pleased. I returned home and pulled up my reservations booked app. It turned out I did have a 5:00 am reservation ... but at the wrong YMCA location. There had been a hiccup when I was making the reservation and I hadn't noticed the location had defaulted back to alphabetic order. I thought I was reserving Shoreview, but I made the reservation for Andover - WAAAAY far away. 

My temper is a bit volcanic, but it's a quick, fast eruption 
followed by a quick calm. I don't hold grudges and I 
don't hold onto anger for long periods of time. I'm also 
more than willing to admit when I'm wrong and to 
apologize. DH, on the other hand, can stew over a 
slight or a fault for years and bring it up time after time. 
That's immensely frustrating and too extreme for me. 

After wrapping up my home tasks, I put my stuff into my car, and before heading anywhere else, I drove back to the YMCA and apologized to Ed. I told him that he was right, but that I was also right. That I wasn't on his list because my reservation had mistakenly been made for a different location. I laughed about my stupidity and apologized sincerely - making sure to express it several times. I really like Ed and have known him as my 5:00 am Gate Gargoyle for many years. We laughed about it and I think all is well. I know my swim time tomorrow is at the CORRECT location, and I'll make Monday's reservation when I get home from swimming tomorrow and will be very careful again. Modern technology - a plus in many ways, a minus in others. 

LOTRO hasn't had a major weapons upgrade/change 
for many years. The Legendary Items have changed 
dramatically and it's going to take me some time and 
some reading to really get it all nailed. Thank goodness 
some dedicated players who write playing guides have 
come out with policies and procedures to follow so that 
we're not all wasting a ton of time and effort. 

Lord of the Rings Online underwent a serious upgrade on Wednesday. We usually have a Wednesday update, but this time they pushed in a whole new weapons system which will take quite a bit of work to truly understand. DH has immersed himself in all of it - he dives in deep ... it's the Dwarf in him. I have much more limited time to spend on the game, so I only play four characters and it'll take me more time to understand what's going on and how to upgrade my weapons appropriately. I'll let him make all of the mistakes first - LOL. 

We have a TON of Swarovski crystals 
still in stock. Since Swarovski decided they 
are no longer making crystal beads, and 
have forbidden retailers and resellers from 
using their name when selling a product 
that has used their discontinued crystals, 
I've taken to branding them as the "Evil 
Empire in Austria Whose Name Shall 
Not Be Spoken". I'm still going to be selling 
their product, though. I own far too much 
of it not to sell it. 

So I'm wrapping this up and getting ready to go to the shop. Chickie returns to day after her one week of vacation. It'll be a relief to have her around again ... DH is OK with helping on the sales floor, but he's not as good with the customers as Chickie is. Then again ... she tends to be a bit of a chatterbox, sometimes forgetting that the customer should have the last word. She's excellent with color, though, and I'm midway into a major project that will challenge her color sense and allow her to exercise something she really enjoys - making color mixes of the "Evil Empire's" beads for our sales buckets. 

Have an excellent Thursday. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow - my first day off in more than a week (except for Sunday, of course). Enjoy your day and I'll be back early tomorrow before heading out for my CORRECT swim time at the CORRECT YMCA - LOL. 

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