Saturday, May 8, 2021

Thank You to Every One of You - A Tribe is Established and a Spring Thunderstorm

First of all, I have to thank each and every one of you who have reached out to me over the past difficult weeks. Your comments, messages and emails have been so supportive and I've leaned on them when I needed a boost. Thank you, thank you, and thank you! 

Thanks to each of you who has reached out to me. 
You've really helped lower my stress levels and 
have given me the strength to move through and 
make educated decisions. *Hugs* to all of you! 

I spent about 45 minutes with Andrew on a Zoom call yesterday morning, and had him walk me through the entire process of how a divorce would work, what the time frames were, each step that would need to be taken, the financial costs, and the state regulations. It's a rare case that actually goes to trial, most of the time cases are settled by a mediator and he said the four mediators working for my County were the best he worked with in the state, so that made me feel good. The entire process seems do-able, and I could activate it with a phone call to Andrew at any time. ... But   ...   I'm not going to start this yet. I'm still hopeful that we can repair what's been broken and move on. We've done it before, so I'm hoping we can do it again. 

As it turns out, Clausen & Hassan, LLC are one 
of the top-20 law firms in my state (and there are 
a LOT of lawyers and law firms in this state). I 
hadn't necessarily vetted them, I called them based 
on a lot of positive reviews and high ratings. It 
also didn't hurt that they offered an initial free 
consultation. I took advantage of that, talking with 
Andrew for 45 minutes over Zoom. I'd be comfortable 
with their rates and his experience, so if I moved 
forward, I think I'd do well. 

Of course a lot of this hinges on DH, and he's attaching his hopes to the end of my WildFit program because, of course, everything is my fault and WildFit is an easy cause to blame. I keep telling him that I'm not changing my new food habits. Frankly, why should I? I'm healthier than I've been in decades, I'm down almost 15 pounds, and I'm really comfortable within their routine. Now I need to build it into a habit and something I almost do without thinking. Fortunately I've got my Tribe to help with that. 

I love my WildFit Tribe. In other programs I'm taking, 
the Tribe is referred to as a cohort, but in WildFit, we
call ourselves a Tribe. We've bonded together into a
super-supportive group of about 50 or so who are
always there, posting and helping others. We have a total
tribe of more than 400, but not everyone is "front and
center" when it comes to video calls and posting. 

As members of WildFit who started in the 2/22 group, we started bonding together through bi-weekly Coaches calls and the weekly live-chat Zoom call, as well as by posting on our WF page and commenting on posts made by other Tribe members. We made friendships through texts and comments, and we didn't want to lose track of these friends after the 13 weeks were over. Yesterday morning, one of our members started a FB group for us and many of us immediately signed up for it. It's restricted to our Tribe only. I'm sure bumps will come in the road for all of us, and having the Tribe there to help us over them will be a real key to our continued health and happiness. I'm so pleased - I was dreading leaving these people behind after I had gotten close to many of them. Now I don't have to worry about that. 

Spring thunderstorms can be deadly and devastating (this 
particular photo is from near Waukesha, Wisconsin, our 
neighboring state to the East). The rumbles of today's 
storm are mild grumbles, not a crash, boom, bang.
Hopefully today's rain will continue to be light 
and friendly. 

On that note, I hear thunder outside. A mild Spring rain is falling, nothing major, but a wet day. Since for an unknown reason, Minnesotans seem to hate coming out in the rain, it might be a slow day at the shop. Hopefully not, though, I'd like to be busy. Have a wonderful weekend, stay safe, be kind and please wear a mask. I'll be back on Monday. 

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