Friday, April 16, 2021

No Grass Growing Under My Feet - I'm Already Late and It's Barely 7:00 am

For some reason I'm running really late today. No idea why ... nothing I can point at and say "You're why I'm 30-45 minutes behind schedule today". Oh well, it is what it is, and I'll be running late for a while. I thought maybe it was my new meditation app - some guided meditations instead of just letting my mind run rampant. But I usually meditate for 30-45 minutes first thing every morning and today, using a guided meditation, was no different. So I'm mystified. I'll blame the cosmic structure for having eaten almost an hour of my time. 

I have an all-access membership at MindValley for 
a year, and one of their free programs is their vast 
library of meditation techniques and guides. I dove 
into that this morning. I think I'll enjoy this. 

DH will be busy at the shop today. He placed two large orders on Wednesday and the final invoices came through in today's email. Now he gets to spend the day at the computer at work, checking everything in, changing prices, and pulling existing products if they need repricing. The orders (or at least one of them) should be in no later than next Friday. Since the second order comes from Canada, that one will take a bit longer to arrive. 

With two major shipments coming in soon, we'll be very 
busy packaging, pricing and with various computer 
work at the shop for a while. 

I'm going to be buying a LOT of veggies today. I'm down to green beans, mushrooms, and Brussels sprouts, and I need a bit more. I did indulge in a nice piece of tuna for tonight's dinner earlier in the week, so at least I have that taken care of. 

I liked my last tuna steak so much that I decided to 
treat myself to another. I'm already looking forward to 

And I will be hunting for Coconut Butter at Whole Foods today, have my weekly Zoom call at noon, and have a lot of other things to do. I won't be sitting quietly at my computer, that's for sure. 

There's an old saying "Don't let the grass grow under 
your feet!" Basically, it means don't be lazy. Today 
most certainly won't be a lazy day. LOL

So, on that note, I'm out of here. Have a fabulous Friday and please, be kind, stay safe and wear your mask. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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