Saturday, April 17, 2021

A Funeral and a Celebration of Life with a Little Healing Thrown In

I checked my schedule and the funeral for Prince Phillip begins at 8:30 am local time. I'll make sure I have a TV on at work to listen/watch. I've watched most of the major events happening in Britain over the past decades - the weddings and the funerals. I can't imagine not watching this as well, although it certainly will be different given Covid restrictions. I wonder if the crowds will come out, despite the risks of contagion. I suspect they will be there, good idea or not. 

It's a bit appalling how those paying their respects in this 
photo are almost all white males in dark suits without a 
mask in sight. They rather look like a mass of penguins 
returning to their nesting area. 

The first thing on my agenda yesterday was a quick trip to Mississippi Market Co-op for veggies and miscellaneous. I had no idea what the miscellaneous would be, but knew I wanted to stock up on veggies for my veggie smoothies. I ended up scoring the mother lode! I not only found my Coconut Butter on the shelves there, but also the Fenugreek Seeds spice I had been unable to find at any other outlet. I also found a pure roiboos tea without fillers or added "Natural" flavors. I immediately made myself a lovely cup of tea when I returned home. 

Roiboos tea is from the South African roiboos bush. The 
leaves are harvested for the tea, which has a slightly 
earthy flavor with an underlying sweetness. I've loved 
Roiboos tea for years, but finding some that doesn't have 
any additional additives has been hard. Finally I 
succeeded at my co-op. 

Fridays are Zoom check-in days for my WildFit food program and it's always wonderful to see so many people who have become friends on-line. We're all stumbling through this together, and each of us have our own problems either with the program, or because of it. Our Coach, Monica, recommended I change my eating patterns slightly, adding in one more category of food for my evening meal, so I made sure to start that last night by adding Butternut squash to my dinner plate. It was quite good, so no objections from me - LOL. 

Dinner emphasized variety - we're really supposed 
to push for variety in veggies to help our bodies 
and keep from getting bored. Here I had a small 
tuna steak with sauteed mushrooms, fresh green 
beans, roasted Brussels sprouts and roasted 
Butternut squash with a small side salad. It 
was very tasty. 

I start a new class on Monday - a class in Energy Healing from Donna Eden, a world-renowned energy healer. It's a fascinating course, one I'm really looking forward to knowing more about. I know that I don't see energy fields, but that doesn't mean I can't have effective healing or that I can't do things that might be effective for others. At any rate, I'll understand much more about the way the body can heal after I'm finished with the course. I know it's a little "woo-woo" for some people, but I think it can be an effective course of treatment in many cases. It will intersect with WildFit for several weeks, but there's nothing I can do about that. My main focus is WildFit, anything else will have to be secondary. 

I'm not fond of taking two classes at the same time, and 
my WildFit program goes through most of May, but I 
couldn't turn down the chance to work on Energy Healing 
from one of the leaders in the field. I'm looking forward 
to this class, which is actually given in an 8-week format 
of download on Monday and take the week to look through 
the class materials and work through any exercises. 
At the very least I'll learn much more about meridians, 
chakras and polarities. 

On that note, I'd better get moving. I want to have breakfast before I head out and I can't be late for the funeral. (Oh good grief...I'm so ridiculous. Despite the fact that the dead won't give a darn if I'm watching or not, I still want to watch.) Have an excellent weekend and please continue to be kind, stay safe and wear your mask. I'll be back on Monday. 

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