Thursday, April 29, 2021

Dreams, Reality, and Kitchens

I had an entire post written and just deleted it. It was boring. It wasn't horrible, but damn it - why should I subject you to a boring post? Suffice it to say that yesterday was a fun day, I got a lot done, and my lunch was amazing. That'll do - I don't need many paragraphs to express that. 

To watch my Coach while cleaning veggies 
and using the blender, I chose to use VooDoo 
in tablet mode, standing like a tent. The pic 
in the upper right is how I had it set up. It 
worked great! 

I'm more and more impressed with my new laptop. Yesterday I used it in tablet mode, tented on my kitchen counter so I could watch my WildFit Coach, Monica, talk about how we, in WildFit, will deal with our time outside of the 13-week program. We got the first glimpse of how we will be able to schedule ourselves so that we can take a vacation; allowing ourselves much more food latitude, before returning home and moving back to a strict plan for a few weeks to get back into sync. All I know is I'm down 13 pounds and I feel amazing. So yes, I'll listen carefully to her advise. 

WildFit was a hope when I signed up for it more than ten 
weeks ago. It's turned into a promise - it works. I'm thrilled 
to be at a weight I haven't seen for more than a decade, 
and I'm learning not only how to get the weight off 
safely, but also how to keep it off and get it back off if 
necessary. Life isn't static, you can't have a food 
plan that doesn't take that into consideration. 

For a while there, my kitchen looked like a vegetarian's wet dream. Veggies were scattered over the counter and the glass stove-top. I was working the blender in one corner, had the laptop set up in front of the microwave, and was washing and packing up veggies in the remaining apace. I was grateful that this coaching call wasn't a live Zoom meeting (those are on Fridays). My kitchen was a mass of greenery, and I had the sink and the blender both working hard and making a lot of noise. But I got a lot done, was able to listen to the coaching session, and by 2:00 pm, the dishes were washed and put away and the floor had been swept, and the kitchen looked great again. 

I dream of a kitchen with lots of counter space and 
storage space like this one. But even if I incorporated 
my dining room into my breakfast nook and small kitchen, 
I wouldn't come close to this. I can dream, but this is 
one dream that won't ever come true. 

Do you have days like that? Days when your materials stretch across every surface and you're immersed in your tasks? I love days like that, no matter what I'm working on. I lose myself in the task and feel great when it is completed and everything is set back to 'normal'. It's a feeling of accomplishment. So, I guess at the end of the day yesterday, I felt like I had accomplished something on my "day off". I won't stop dreaming about a kitchen with more than two square feet of work-space, but I've learned how to work with what I have. Now to wrap this up and start my day. Please be kind, stay safe and please wear your mask. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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