Thursday, January 28, 2021

Knitting Snarls and a Hilarious You-Tube Video for Computer Transfers

DH saw his ENT doctor on Monday. Fortunately it turned out that the drainage tube from several years ago was not in his ear, but unfortunately, his problem actually is an abundance of scar tissue from the various surgeries and infections he's had throughout his life. The doctor cleaned things up a bit, and DH is back on VERY EXPENSIVE eardrops for two weeks. That means he can't wear his hearing aid for two weeks which limits his assistance at the shop. Chickie has been warned. 

Ear infections are no joke. The pain is excruciating. I used 
to get ear infections regularly as a child and I remember 
being in so much pain that I was vomiting. DH has
ear drops (2X-day, morning and night) that help him
keep infections at bay. He's on a two-week regime 
of ear drops right now and hopefully that will take 
care of this latest infection. 

Yesterday's knitting sessions were an exercise in frustration. I had no problem getting up to the part where I add the cables into the cuff, but once I hit that, the needles snarled and the stitches dropped or only partially knit. The first sleeve worked like a charm. The second ... not so much. After six attempts and more than four hours, I gave up and put everything away. I'll start again on Friday and see if I'm more successful. I'll watch a few more videos in between. Maybe there's a technique that could help my success ratio. One of my favorite teachers has a nice You Tube video about cables, so I'll spend some time watching it and learn a few tips and tricks. 

I just want to add a simple 2x2 cable on my sleeve cuff. 
I did it last week, no problem. It worked like a dream. 
Yesterday's attempt was a nightmare. So I'll have to start 
again on Friday and hopefully I'll have better luck. 

My docking station arrived at the shop yesterday. I'm looking forward to taking a close look at it and seeing how it will help me transfer items from the old to my new computer. I also grabbed my old 1TB external hard drive - I have an old "My Passport" from Western Digital that I used for system-wide backups. I'll find out how to delete everything that's currently on the drive and then I can look into using it to transfer programs over to my new Win 10 laptop. I found this absolutely hilarious video on You Tube - watch it if you want a laugh, the guy is a hoot! (link: ) To make things short, he used his WD "My Passport" to migrate several very old programs onto his Windows 10 machine, and they work, even though direct transfer seemed impossible. He's worth watching just for the fun of it, though. 

OK, the guy is a total hoot! If you're just looking for the 
information on how to transfer, move to the 15 minute 
mark. But if you want to laugh along with me, listen to 
the whole thing. It's worth the time. 

So I'm planning ahead. I'm keeping the power cord for Franken-Smaug with me at all times, now. I can't trust in having power for a lot of battery life, and I don't want to be caught short on those few occasions when I need a system more up-to-date than my Win 7 desktop. I can hardly wait to have a reliable laptop once again. 

I do love my mug of hot tea in the morning. I have Earl 
Grey for breakfast and herbal for my to-go cup. I add 
Mandarin oranges for my lunch along with a small bottle 
of milk, and I'm set. Oatmeal for breakfast is always welcome 
with fresh blueberries as often as possible. Yummy! 

On that note, I'm going to bundle up, have some hot tea and oatmeal, and get going. I'll need my winter coat today - it's very cold out (only 10 F right now). I hope all of you have a wonderful and joy-filled day. Please stay safe, be kind and wear your mask. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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