Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Things Are Wrapping Up and Searching Through Stuff - LOL

DH and I tore the craft room and his workshop apart yesterday looking for a staple gun. Now, we were looking specifically for MY staple gun, not one of the four that DH has. His work perfectly, but they're too hard for my hands to operate one-handed. When I'm putting up the garland in the store (today's chore), I need to hold the garland in place with one hand and staple with the other. 

I have a staple gun like this. Unlike the many styles 
of just steel, I find I can compress this one without 
needing two hands. After I've put almost 100 staples 
into the shelving and cabinets at the store, ease of use
and no pain is important to me. 

For years I had kept my staple gun on top of one of my craft bins. I knew exactly where it was, no hunting necessary. BUT ... two years ago or so, DH claimed it was a poor choice of location for my tool and that I should put it somewhere better. Apparently I found a "much better" location, because I couldn't find it when I needed to. 

The garland I use is a red/green mix quite similar 
to this. I purchased it from Frank's many years 
ago before they went out of business. I admit that 
I decorate the same every year. Lack of imagination? 
Not really, just not really "into" decorating the store. 

After unsuccessfully searching for it in the early morning, DH and I returned to the search after dinner last night. Finally, success! After I had tried several of his offered alternatives (including the electric, which actually would have worked, but been very inconvenient), we took a final look at the craft room and there, behind a sorting project and standing on-end next to some labelled boxes, was my staple gun in it's plastic bag labelled with my name. I've got it with my laptop now and it's coming to work with me today. It's time to "Christmas" the store. 

We have a lit Christmas tree similar to this, 
that we place on top of some low display cases 
near the center of the store. It's a haunted 
Christmas tree. The lights aren't blinking 
lights, but every once in a while, it will start 
to blink on and off randomly, then stop, 
then start again. We decided years ago that 
the tree must be haunted. 

We split the chores for holiday decorations (and they're always the same because we hate to decorate). I staple tinsel garland across the top of the library shelves and leather display, and DH handles bringing up our ancient tree and decorating it. I don't like to decorate trees, just love them when they're done and rather magical. So he'll do the tree on Wednesday, but I'll do the garland today. 

Maybe I should have set up a "Chore Chart" for my holiday 
cards, but I've done them for so many years, I'm pretty aware 
of what needs to be done and in what order. Gluing on 
the faceplates actually takes time, because the glue has 
to set properly. But it's not difficult to do. Just takes time. 
The little gifts are a breeze - just cut and twist and done. 

The holiday cards are complete (yippee). Well ... almost. I still need to glue the faceplate onto each card, but that's easy. I'm also working on the finishing touches for the small gift that I'm enclosing with each one. I'll try and take some time on Thanksgiving to get my files together and start printing out the envelopes. Then it'll be a simple matter of assembly, stamps and taking them to the post office. Final stages ... those make me happy. I'm still well ahead of my Solstice cut-off date for getting them to the Post Office. 

Have an excellent Tuesday and please - be well, stay safe and wear your mask. I hope you have a wonderful day. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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