Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Counting My Blessings - Random Thoughts for Today

Great minds think alike, I guess. I posted about the importance of local candidates for the upcoming elections and how each person should carefully review and vote for their local choices, and my on-line friend Dusk Peterson also wrote about the same thing. He asked if he could link to my post, and of course I'm fine with that, but both posts are already live, so linking might be redundant. Still ... permission granted. 

I usually never have a problem with friends wanting 
to link to my blog for a particular post. But it's kind 
to ask first. 

I've got one week of "Indian Summer" happening now, with temps in the upper 60's today and Saturday, mid 70's for Sunday and even into the low 80's on Friday! It's lovely when Mother Nature decides to allow us a few more days to enjoy autumn before sending the rain and the snows to dampen our enthusiasm. Of course, I have friends who will be looking at their calendars and wishing for snow so that they can get out onto their cross-country skiis or snowmobiles. I state here plainly - I am NOT a snow bunny. I might live in an area that gets a lot of snow and has cold temps, but I put on my snow boots and my long parka, I wear my knitted hats, I scrape the snow and ice off my car, and I wish for Spring. I'm NOT a snow bunny AT ALL. 

Indian Summer is my favorite time of the fall, and it 
doesn't come every year. It's that quick unseasonally 
hot few days that come in the middle of fall, so you get 
the fall colors, but the summer warmth. We're getting 
a little bit of Indian Summer this week and I'm going 
to try and enjoy some outdoor time today, even though 
Friday will be the really warm day. 

I can't really complain, though. My life has turned out pretty darned good, all things considered. Oh, there are still plenty of bumps in the road and arguments to be had, but I've been quite lucky. I've got a good man as a companion, I've got an almost-solid roof over my head, I've got a lovely yard in which to spend off-time, and I have activities that keep me happy and occupied, on-line friends to keep in touch with, and a large extended family who aren't invasive, just there on the perimeters of my life. It's just about perfect - LOL. Now if I could just get retired so that my days are my own, life would be ideal. That too will come, just not as quickly as it would have without COVID interrupting our schedule (actually trashing our schedule and tossing it to the winds). 

Today I'm counting my blessings because I believe in 
focusing on the positive instead of the negative. We all 
have enough negativity in our lives, so find at least 
one bright light in your day today and hold onto it tightly. 

So, as I start my very busy "day off", I hope each of you have a fantastic day spent with a living entity that you love. For me that's DH, for others of my friends it may be their pets or their grandchildren, or just having a video call with a good friend. Whatever floats your happy boat, may you have some of it today. I'll be back tomorrow, ready to dive into work once again. Be safe, be kind and please, wear your mask. 

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