Thursday, June 18, 2020

Ferns, Gravel and the Dentist - Things in Motion

My "old" shoes were returned to UPS yesterday and new shoes are already on their way, set to be delivered today. I'm hoping these will work better with the swelling so that I have shoes I can wear without pain. The shoes I've been wearing don't fit my broken foot properly, so I've been stepping on the back, and it's breaking the shoes (which are very inexpensive Target shoes from three years ago, so not really a tragedy). Still, it would be nice to wear something that actually fits properly. 

The upper back yard is our fern jungle. They're tall - averaging around
5-1/2 feet in the sunny portion. You can see the fenceline in the back.
The fence is six feet tall, and there's not a lot of it visible. My hubby ...
the Fern Whisperer. 

Yesterday was hot, but there was a nice breeze and I was caught up enough with my chores to sit outside on the patio for a while. I thought I'd take a photo of my upper back yard for you. Yes ... ferns. They average between 4-1/2 feet and 5-1/2 feet tall and the fill the entire south side of the yard. Once we're in the north side, we still have ferns, but they're a bit less clumped and slightly shorter (3-1/2 ft to 4-1/2 ft). Behind the ferns is a 6-foot tall fence, but it's hard to see beyond the greenery. My hubby, the "Fern Whisperer". 

DH will start the woodshed construction with several cubic yards
of Class Five gravel from our local construction rock supply company.
He'll probably have them deliver this, it's not a lot of extra dollars, and
it won't mess up the truckbed of the pickup. 

He's starting serious work on the wood shed today and tomorrow. Since it might rain today, he'll order and move a few tons of Class 5 fill tomorrow instead. It's no fun moving tons of stuff in the rain. Tomorrow should be sunny and warm. 

A lot of dentists aren't even accepting clean and check appointments until
there is a vaccine for COVID. I really can't blame them. I'm not sure
about a clean and check right now either, so I may
cancel our appointments. 

We both have dental checkup and clean appointments scheduled for Monday. Word is, however, that the cleaning will be "minimal" with ultrasonic and UV. I'm not sure I want to pay high for low care, so I might cancel my appointment until December, when I hope I would get a good, thorough cleaning and checkup. DH and Chickie are scheduled the same day as I am, and we're all rethinking this visit. I know my dentist could use the money, but I'm super reluctant to pay if I'm not getting the service. The one good point would be ... if I don't go to the dentist, I can get to the gym on the day it opens. That would make me extremely happy. 

So, on that note, have an extremely wonderful Thursday. Stay comfortable, be kind, keep your Social Distancing, and stay safe. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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