Friday, March 27, 2020

The New Normal - Day 5

I sent an email out to my customers yesterday, notifying them that we will be closed for two weeks beginning tonight. I was warmed by the many responses I received from that email - customers and friends wishing us well and telling us they'll be back in to shop after the shut-down. It really warmed my heart. We also had a nice, busy day yesterday and have hopes for one today as people stock up before the doors lock. It's been nice to see customers in-store since everyone has been more selective about traveling over the past few weeks. 

The COVID-19 virus is rather attractive, but what it does
to the population is anything BUT! Still, I look at this and
wonder how interesting it would be to make it in beads or
in glass. 

My mail order, however, is a problem. The company who hosts our shopping cart has gone out of business. We were contracted with them through March, and as of today I can no longer access the shopping cart or download orders. We were ramping our mail order down, so it's not a tragedy, but I would have liked contact information for the final two orders placed so that I could make sure we could get them taken care of. But, designing a new up-to-date website with new shopping cart features is beyond me at this time, and rather unnecessary in the main. Hopefully people will just email the shop since that's always the best way to get in touch with us anyway. 

I'm knocking at the door of my website, but the software isn't letting
me in, telling me that my password is wrong. Except that it isn't. I knew
the hosting company was going out of business and that we were
guaranteed through our anniversary date (which was early March),
so they actually extended a couple of weeks. But it's dead now. *sigh*

This weekend is the wedding of the daughter of a friend many miles away on a small island. I'm thinking about you and your family over the next two days since you're also experiencing "Stay in Place" restrictions now, less than 48 hours before the wedding! What a mess. If they ever have kids and grand-kids, what stories they'll have to tell about their wedding and long-delayed honeymoon. 

Weddings are scheduled months, sometimes even years in advance. Nobody
ever thought about a pandemic messing up a wedding, but that's what's
happening with my friend's daughter. It certainly will be a memorable
event, if they can actually manage to pull it off. 

On that hopeful note (because what is better than the start of a new life?), I'm signing off for the day. I'll still be posting six days a week, but my timing will probably be a bit more sporadic since I'm at home and on a different schedule. I'll still be here, though. So, please, stay safe, be well, and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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