Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Losses - They're Driving Me A Little Crazy Right Now

OMG, not having my desktop computer is driving me CRAZY!!!! It's not that the laptop isn't able to handle things, it's the speed - or more accurately, the lack of speed that it has. It's not important at the shop when I'm paying a tax payment or playing a quick run through on Lord of the Rings Online, but here at home when I'm trying to plow through 100+ emails quickly so that I can move on to the next task, it's poky, slow, and horribly annoying. 

So that lack of speed is leaving me with fifteen minutes to get my blog written and posted in the various locations necessary before I grab my gym bag and hit the road. ACK! 

Apparently my dear friend Sharon spent her Thanksgiving holiday surrounded by the love of the flu. NOT the way she wanted to spend the holiday. Fortunately she seems to be heading toward recovery now, so I hope the flu has now been pushed away for the remainder of the season. 

Checking the football score this morning, DH's team lost last night in a hard-fought battle against Seattle. That's a bummer. Since most of my acquaintances here are also Vikings fans, I suspect the general mood will be depressed at the performance. I haven't read the play-by-play specifics, so don't know how well we performed against the Seahawks, but a loss is a loss. Between the Gophers losing the Axe on Saturday and the Vikings losing on Monday Night Football (where we have a long history of losing games), it wasn't a good sports weekend. 

On a positive note, I started painting my holiday cards while watching baking last night. I'm not a fool. I don't watch Monday night football. I know I'll be in bed long before the game is resolved so I might as well watch something that will actually come to a resolution before I crash for the evening. The cards are turning out cute, so I'm pleased. 

Have a great Tuesday, stay warm, stay safe, be happy. I'll be back tomorrow, and hopefully on Thursday I'll have my main computer purring happily beside me. 

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