Tuesday, December 10, 2019

It's A Mite Chilly Here Today - Bundling Up For The Freeze!

Yesterday was my "off schedule day off" and I took advantage of it. My focus were my holiday cards and I finished coloring the interior panel and affixed the front panel to each card. I then started tying the two folds together, but I'm not really good at that. I suspect after doing almost 50, I'll get good at tying bows, but right not my hands are not cooperating. 

I'm going to be bundled up to get to the gym and the shop
today, but DH may end up looking similar to this after he
finishes pulling snow from the roof. I tried to talk hi into
waiting until Thursday, but no. He insists on being stupid. 

I also polished a bunch of necklace chains I had found forgotten at the shop, but forgot a small group of five pendants that I had intended to take over two weeks ago. *sigh* I might have a chance to get to those five tonight, if I don't turn into a frozen icicle during the day today. We're into the deep freeze now, after yesterday's light 2-1/2 inch snow. It's currently -4 F (-20 C) and it's looking like our high for the day will be 5 F (-15 C). Add a wind to that and we've got dangerous temps. I spent last night trying to talk DH out of taking snow off the roof today because of the wind chill. I got nowhere. He's determined to be a total asshole. Nothing new there ... *sigh*. 

I'm looking forward to getting my holiday cards
into the mail. I'm in the final bits and pieces
now, and can see the finish line beckoning. 

So, I have hopes that my holiday cards will be in the mail to everyone by the end of the week. Today's session of tying bows is rather essential to meet that deadline, but I'm finished with all of the painting and have only minor gluing remaining. I guess it's time to get to work on the envelopes too, so I'll try to get that file into a semblance of order ASAP and begin printing those out. I have one more element I want to add, but that goes onto the envelope so I can do that a bit more easily. 

Apparently penguins are a popular design element for many
igloo cakes, because when I searched for an image, the
majority featured penguins. *sigh*

On the "Holiday Baking Show" last night, they assigned the five remaining bakers an "igloo" cake with an Arctic theme. Four of the five contestants used penguins in their design work. That drove me crazy! Penguins aren't Arctic, they are Antarctic. They reside in the south, polar bears reside in the north. Still, when seeing cards for Santa Claus at the North Pole, many of them feature penguins alongside Santa. No! Just ... NO! 

I'm going to shiver my way to the gym, so have a wonderful (and hopefully a warmer) day and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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