Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Winter Is Finally Here!

It snowed overnight, as expected. I'm sitting here, knowing I have to shovel in a half-hour, and I'm hearing the wind blow. It's not going to be one of my favorite early mornings. Since tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA, I'm hitting two grocery stores today - NOT a smart idea. I'm hoping to hit them early, so hopefully the crowds won't be too intense. There's nothing about a food holiday like Thanksgiving Day that stops my weekly grocery run. I still need lunch stuff for the week ahead. 

I don't think driving on snow is horrible, it's the snow shoveling the driveway
in the wind that I'm not looking forward to. DH said he'd snow-blow me out,
but I'll let him sleep. He doesn't need to be up for another two hours, so I'll
be nice. 

My route will be almost totally on snow emergency route roads, and those should be plowed. If the winds and the still-falling snow aren't too bad, I won't have horrid visibility, and a little bit of caution while driving should go a long way. I'll hit my main grocer first for just essentials, then I'll drive to the shop and get that set up and ready. On my way back I'll grab breakfast followed by a stop nearby at Target - more a general-purpose store, but an essential one -  for a few things. Then home to hibernate for the day, do my usual housecleaning and laundry stuff, and finally, shovel once more. The snow is supposed to end around 10:00-11:00 am, so it isn't too horrid for the first major snowfall of the season. 

DH picked up a 15.5 lb turkey and lots of side dishes for our meal. I won't
be starving tomorrow, that's for sure! He loves turkey and I only make it
once a year because I'm not that fond of it. He gets to indulge in a
big bird and lots of left overs. Nummy! 

I won't be posting tomorrow, I rarely do on holidays. But I'm taking this opportunity to wish all of you, my friends both near and far, a safe and happy Thanksgiving. If you're spending the day with family, may the time be spent well - no fights, no tantrums from the smaller ones, and everyone content at the end of the day. If you're like I am and spend the day at home, may it be a peaceful one with the foods, people and critters you love. I'll be back on Friday, geared up to get back to the gym and a good workout. 


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