Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day, Card Update and Cold

It's Veteran's Day and a salute goes out to all who have served and their families today.

Thank you to all our veterans and their families. 

We worked super hard at the craft room over the weekend. One hour on Friday night, two hours on Saturday night, and all day on Sunday. It's starting to come together, if I don't totally have a breakdown first. All of these questions are driving me crazy - "What is this?" "What is it used for?" "Does this have a specific project?" etc. There are some items we've uncovered that I truly have no idea about specifics. I can make educated guesses about why I own them, but am not sure about the specific usage. Other things have to find room in the appropriate bin, and that's also hard because some of the bins are stuffed full. But we're getting there slowly. DH's deadline is Thanksgiving. I hope I'll survive that long - LOL.

Housecleaning is never a favorite activity, but we've got
to do it, no choice in the matter. "Tempus fugit!" 

Marta asked about a card update, so ... after several days of not being able to move forward, I got the ornaments punched and half of the ornament envelopes embossed on Saturday morning. I need to string the ornaments and get them into their envelopes, then that section is complete. I'm still hunting for my damned distressed inks. You'd think, after all of the cleaning we did yesterday, I'd have come across them, but no. That's going to be VERY high on my Wednesday list. I have to have them, can't go much farther on the frontspiece of the cards without them.

BTW, Marta, you'd better message me your address so I can add you to my Holiday Card mailing list. Just saying ... LOL.

Shirebound said the temp in her house was 58F yesterday morning! That's WAY too cold to function. We're back in the deep freeze here again, after a nice couple of days. I'll be shivering and turning blue while waiting for the gym doors to unlock. It's probably a good idea to wear double leggings today - the walking track is always rather cold too, and I need to do my two miles today.

So, on that note, I'll try to catch up with comments and head out into the cold to start another week. I hope all of you have a wondrous day and stay warm! I'll be back tomorrow.

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