Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Looks Like I'll Be Leaving on a Jet Plane

Texts have been flying madly between my Washington sister, Maja, and I. She's the one in the know about what's happening with my brother's funeral since her companion is already out there, in the thick of it. She's also in touch with my brother's daughter, Rachel, who I haven't seen for years but who I've known since she was a small child. I started researching flights to South Dakota, thinking that if I couldn't be out for the full ceremonies, I would try to fly out for Saturday's funeral and burial. 

I don't fly often. I love being in the clouds, but hate sharing the experience
with a tin can stuffed with passengers. But, when time is short, a plane
becomes the only option. So, it's looking like a quick flight out and back
from South Dakota will be the way to go. 

As it turns out, Maja is flying into the Twin Cities before flying out to South Dakota on Friday. That's basically the schedule I was also looking at - flying out on Friday and back on Saturday night or Sunday morning. We'll text some more today, but if I can, I might try to synch my flight out with her. I need more information first, though. I'm still unsure about whether the ceremonies and funeral will be on the Reservation or in Rapid City. It makes a difference when it comes to hotel reservations. I'm a bit old for sleeping in the car, and it's starting to get cold overnight these days. 

Most people associate South Dakota with Mount Rushmore. It's quite
imposing and beautifully situated, and I've visited it several times over
the years, but that's not usually the focus of my visits to my neighboring

I have an emergency fund that I hold in reserve and I can dip into that for the expenses, but it will still be expensive. If I had the time, I'd drive out to save money, but it's a 13 hour drive each way, and that's time I just don't have. So, I'll have to dip into my savings and I don't see much of a choice. I'm thankful I have some funds set aside, and DH said he'd help me out too, so that'll be welcome. 

Over the past thirty years, when I've gone to South Dakota, I've
gone to the prairies east of the Black Hills, to the Pine Ridge
Indian Reservation. One of the most beautiful places in the state,
and one of the most impoverished. The sign states:
Pine Ridge Reservation
Lake of the Oglala Sioux
Red Cloud
Black Elk
Crazy Horse
My family is Red Cloud. My Grandmother lived down the road
from the Tribal Chief on Red Cloud land. It's a proud name and heritage. 

So, it's looking as if I'll have the opportunity to deal with family dynamics in a stressful situation. Oh joy! But I'll also be able to say a proper "Good-bye" to my brother, and that's worth any and all of the aggravation that I anticipate, including having to deal with my brother's last wife - NOT on my "friends" list at all ... EVER. 

I'll be back tomorrow, Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel. 

Have a great Wednesday. I'll be running around like the proverbial "chicken with its head chopped off" today, lots and lots to get done. I plan on being back tomorrow, though, so I'll see you then - "Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel". 

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