Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Heading Out - I'll Be Back on Monday

Schedule today ... wake up, handle orders and blog, go to gym! Yes, I'm heading to the gym because I'm going to be sitting in a car for HOURS as I ... return from gym and switch out gym bag for suitcases and other stuff for the road, leave, get the computers up at the shop, hit the road. Under ideal conditions, I'll grab breakfast in Black River Falls, Wisconsin, then head onward to Milwaukee. I requested an early check-in of 2:00 pm, we'll see if that actually happens or not. 

I think it's a lot easier to make new friends when we're kids. We
just walk up to a new kid and ask them if they want to play with
you. It's a bit harder when you're adults. Things seem to get in the way. 

Yeah - I'm excited to see old friends and make new ones. More than that, however, I can hardly wait to play with metal and fire once again. It's been too long. The past two years I really focused on wireworking and some very fancy stuff. A lot of fun, but not soldering and creating volume from something originally flat and unyielding. Having the chance to pack my tools once more? Heaven! 

I get too busy to blog while I'm at the show. My bus leaves for the
Tech Center at 7:30 am and I'm often at events until after 9:00 pm.
It's actually a pretty exhausting schedule, but a lot of fun. 

I'll drive back home on Sunday. I'm pretty much on "radio silence" when I'm at B&B, so I doubt you'll hear much from me. I'll catch everyone up with the finale of Project Runway after I get back to the Cities and catch up with the backlog of emails and notifications. 

Be good (but not TOO good), and have a great week! I'll be back on Monday morning. 

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