Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spring Has Sprung

We are now officially in Spring, even though I still have a snow mountain of more than four feet in height in front of my home's entrance. I've had years where we still had a spot of snow on the ground there in June, even July one year. It doesn't get a lot of direct sunlight, so it hangs around forever and ever, like an unwelcome house guest. I'm hoping it actually melts by the summer solstice, but there's certainly no guarantee. 

Spring has sprung. Of course, we still have a lot of
snowpack, and we can still get some snowstorms
(think last year's April blizzard), but we're through
the worst of it now. 

Flooding is happening downstream from us, and that's no surprise. When we get dumped snow the way we did this year (fourth highest snowfall for us on record), unfortunately there will be a serious melt. What amazes me is the towns downstream in other states who were forced to LOWER their levees and dikes to meet federal standards. Now the waters are more than four feet higher than the lowered levee height, and flooding ... yeah. Lots of it. I'm thinking of my friends in affected states and just hoping they are all right. 

With melting snow comes flooding downstream. I'm thinking
about my friends who might be experiencing flooding now and
hoping they're all right! 

Yesterday's impossible story turned out to be wonderful and when I switched into humor and "out there" mode, it clicked like a fine machine. "Hell is Naugahyde" might end up being my favorite story of this year's B2MeM experience when the month ends. Of course, I still have ten days left, so there's lots of writing still to do, and today takes us back into the "Chamber" with two of my favorite elves. Just small touches of BDSM to make things interesting. 

I little bit of rope play for my story today? Maybe. I haven't
made a final determination yet. But it will be fun to
return to the Chamber. 

Eyebrows are on my schedule for the day. I'm taking a "sick day" and driving out for a 1:00 pm appointment. By dinner tonight, I'll have eyebrows, I'll be a bit red and sore, and I'll be banned from the gym until Monday and from the pool for 3-4 weeks! Argh! No morning swimming, I'll have to work out on the elliptical and the recumbent bicycle instead. Not as much fun, although I did some serious work on my Spotify workout playlist yesterday and it might almost be ready for a good listen. I also have Project Runway on Bravo tonight, so I should have things to share tomorrow if the internet is kind with photos. 

So, off I go for another day, but this one will change my appearance for years to come. Bring it on! Have a wonderful Thursday and I'll be back tomorrow, although I might let myself sleep just a little bit later since I can't exercise until Monday. 

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