Monday, February 4, 2019

Two Ads I Loved from Super Bowl Sunday

I had an ideal Super Bowl Sunday for me. Too much really poor food, but it was all tasty. A game that was interesting, because the players just weren't able to actually score much until the final quarter of the game. A couple of cups of tea with rum in the later afternoon, and even though DH was crabby, he just stayed quiet instead of trying his best to pass on his mood to me. All things considered, despite the fact that I gained three pounds from poor food choices, it was a glorious day. 

Although there was more than one Bud Light Corn Syrup commercial,
I really loved the one where the King and his top dudes go from
brew to brew to find out where the syrup was supposed to be

There's something freeing about not caring which team wins. It lets the observer ignore teams and concentrate on plays and players, and that was a lot of fun. Some of the commercials were excellent. I loved the Bud Light corn syrup delivery commercial as well as the combination ad of Bud Light Knight's defeat at the tournament and the flaming dragon from Game of Thrones burning the arena up. The Stella Artois commercial was sweet and had a kick, and the Microsoft "equipment for everyone" commercial wasn't bad. On the other side - the worst commercials were the "Chunky Milk" and the "Buble" commercial which starred Michael Buble. Just my opinion, though. 

Carrie Bradshaw and "The Dude" both shocked the restaurant by
foregoing their usual drinks in favor of Stella Artois. It was
a very well done commercial. 

Driving our roads is supposed to be a bit rough this morning, so I'm going to wrap this up a bit sooner than usual. I don't want to be rushed as I head across town to my bi-monthly Chiropractic appointment. I can hope the weather didn't actually make the roads icy, but I'd rather not be rushed into making poor decisions. 

Have a totally excellent Monday and I'll return tomorrow. 

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