Monday, December 17, 2018

Sharon's Gift and An Emo Post - Apologies In Advance

I'm grateful that my Sundays are now my own again, and really, only one of the three Sundays I was open was actually worthwhile, but it's a customer service. Necessary. Still, I'm happy that it's done and I can move on. Of course, Christmas is in a little more than a week! Sharon's holiday gift is being sent to her today (keep your eyes open - Priority Mail should have it to you by mid-week, Thursday latest and it's wrapped inside, although poorly - LOL). I had to do a major stuffing job to get Sharon's gift into the shipping box, so fancy wrapping and bows and such were skipped. 

Sharon's gift will finally hit the mail today. It's
wrapped and boxed, only needs the Priority Mail
sticker attached and to be handed to my mail person. 

I had a really rough day yesterday. Apparently I've been misunderstanding DH when we discussed retiring from the shop, and what I thought would happen in 2019, actually won't happen until 2020. I'm not really sure I can hang in there that long, and I know he just doesn't get it - how incredibly difficult it is for me to show up for work all "happy, happy, joy, joy" every day. So while I'm rather devastated at this new time frame, he's just puttering around wondering why I'm in such a bad mood. Yeah - right! ARGH! 

Total ARGH!!!

Something is going to have to give, and I'm not really sure what. Changing hours, insisting that he work another day, I'm nor really sure, but I know that something has got to change. I'm suddenly more grateful than ever for the pool - I need to work out some of this stress today. 

Recognize this antique? Because my inventory and sales
software is custom and proprietary, and because it would
cost more than $12,000 for an upgrade of the software to
a current system and we would still have to hand-enter
every inventory item we have, we're sticking with the
original system and original computers. Crossing fingers
that it holds on for another year-and-a-half. 

I think my biggest fear (aside from my general "crap" feelings about the extended time frame) is the store computer system. It's old - like almost Paleolithic old. I'm running proprietary software from the mid-90's on a Win 98 system that has had the hard drive replaced in the main computer once - because my Computer Guru, Dale, is a genius and actually had a spare drive in his assortment of components that we were able to ghost things over to when the original drive crashed. I'm not so sure I'd get lucky a second time. I think the computer is as tired as I am. 

I'll be better tomorrow. I'm normally an optimist, I just
need to get back to that mindset again. It's almost
Solstice, I need to get myself together before then. 

So, since this post is turning into a really depressing one, let me assure all of you that I'll pull through this. It's a set-back and an emo blow, but I'll get it worked through. I think I'll go and swim off some of my anger - it'll probably take me a few days of hard work. Have a great Monday - I hope everything goes really well for you and that you share your smiles. I'll be back tomorrow. 

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