Monday, December 31, 2018

Last Meme of 2018 or First Meme of 2019

 Taken from Samtyr. And here we go...

1. First thing you wash in the shower? Body first, then hair then hands and feet. 

2. What color is your favorite hoodie? Broncos blue (sensible since they are Broncos hoodies). 

3. Do you plan outfits? Oh yes, they have to be functional for the day.

4. How are you feeling right now? Exhausted. 

5. What's the closest thing to you that's red? There's an envelope to a Christmas card that a friend gave me in my pile. 

6. Tell me about the last dream you remember having. I dreamed poetry last night, usually it's more about architecture, construction and colorways. 

7. Did you meet anybody new today? I met my youngest nephew's girlfriend and her daughter. Really sweet - both of them. 

8. What are you craving right now? Sleep - remember ... exhausted in Number 4. 

9. What comes to mind when you think of cabbage? Red cabbage - love it and get it so rarely. 

10. Have you ever counted to 1,000? No - I'm lucky if I can keep my train of thought long enough to make it to 100 without focusing on something else ... "Squirrel." 

11. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Both. 

12. Do you like your hair? Not right now, no. 

13. Do you like yourself? Usually, although I think I could have done more with my life. 

14. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? W? Sure. He might have been a Republican, but he was an interesting man. His son, now ... absolutely NOT! 

15. What are you listening to right now? Top 30 Hard Rock songs of 2018 according to Octane on Sirius. 

16. Are your parents strict? They were fairly strict when they were still living. 

17. Would you go sky diving? In a flash! I'd love to do this. 

18. Do you like cottage cheese? Yes - good stuff! 

19. Have you ever met a celebrity? Yeah, depending on your definition of "celebrity". 

20. Do you rent movies often? Rarely. 

21. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? Oh yeah - I'm a Magpie in disguise. 

22. Have you made a prank phone call? When I was a teenager - I think it's a bit harder now with caller id and spam prevention programs. 

23. Ever been on a train? I love trains and when I can get from A to B on a train, I usually will opt for that. 

24. Brown or white eggs? It's an egg - I'm nondiscriminatory. 

25. Do you use chap stick? Not that brand, no. 

26. Can you use chop sticks? Oh yeah, although I don't use them as well as I used to. I used chop sticks exclusively for more than five years while in college, I got pretty good at them. 

27. Are you too forgiving? Not necessarily forgiving, but quite a bit too trusting. 

28. Ever been in love? Absolutely, and I still am. It's the roller coaster road of life. 

29. Last time you cried? Probably within the last day or two - I was reading something sad and books will always get me crying. 

30. What was the last question you asked? I had a get-together with my family this evening - the whole thing was a question and answer expedition. So happy that's only once a year. I love them all, but it can be quite overwhelming. 

31. Favorite time of the year? Spring, spring, spring!!! 

32. Do you have any tattoos? Only two - I really want more. 

33. Are you sarcastic? I certainly can be in the right circumstances. 

34. Ever walked into a wall? Yes, I can be as silly as the next person who doesn't pay attention to where they're walking. 

35. Favorite color? Green. 

36. Have you ever slapped someone? Yes, although I'd prefer to punch them. I try to not do physical violence in general, though. 

37. Is your hair curly? Extremely fine with just enough curl to make humid days relative hell. 

38. Do looks matter? Oh yes - there's no doubt that they play a part, even though it might be subconscious. 

39. Do you like your life right now? It's OK. It could be better, but it's getting there. 

40. Do you sleep with the TV on? Oh goodness no. I really am not fond of TV. 

41. Can you handle the truth? I try to. 

42. Do you have good vision? I'm old - my vision is betraying me and since I make my living doing things that depend on vision, that's creating some serious issues. 

Do you feel like playing along? Copy and post your own answers. 

Happy New Year. 

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