Tuesday, October 23, 2018

"Plop" Onto My Desktop Destroyed My Morning's Calm Time

There's nothing much more disconcerting than having something "plop" onto my desk and almost immediately disappear into the shadows. I jumped up right away and moved papers, etc. No luck. I have no idea exactly what dropped in front of me approximately 15 minutes ago, but suspect it was either a spider or one of the smaller multi-legged critters that I just can't seem to rid my house of. I hope I'll find the perpetrator soon and smash it to smithereens, but I have to keep forging ahead - schedules don't have time for the unexpected in my early mornings. 

Today I'm talking about bugs, so I'm finding pretty ones to
share with all of you. This is the Giant Mosquito Bug,
found in the Southwestern USA. It's quite colorful,
looks almost like mosaic. 

Yesterday was dental check-up day for DH and me, and we both passed with flying colors. Next appointments are scheduled for six months down the road, shortly before my birthday. I've been working hard to get a handle on Medicare, what we will have to pay and what will be covered. After narrowing the choices down a bit, I decided that speaking to someone would be wisest. The earliest appointment I could get was November 7th at 7:00 am! Guess where I'll be on that date - right! I'll be waiting for them to unlock the doors so that I can get some concrete information. 

I have no idea what this bug is, but I love the iridescence of its'
coloring. Those purples and topaz colors with a hint of turquoise
really attract me. 

I will try to run policies through the Medicare.gov system today and print out some comparisons for DH to look at. He's trying to figure out a budget while I'm trying to determine the best plan for him. Hmmm, seems like his priorities are a little skewed, but that's the way it is. We're both pretty healthy - he takes meds to help with his blood pressure but that's all, I don't take anything. I doubt we'll be lucky enough to say that twenty years from now, but who knows. I can't foresee the future. Hell, I'm having a hard enough time looking two months ahead! 

The closest ID I can get on this guy is Trubkovich Polyphagous. Is
that it's real name? I haven't a clue. Once again it's the colors that
really attracted me. I like the fuzzy antennae too. 

Maybe it's true - though. Insects will inherit the earth. They do seem quite indestructible. If you or I fell from the distance that ceiling is from my desk, we'd be crippled with internal injuries. We certainly wouldn't immediately be scurrying away to the darker hiding spaces. It's been said that cockroaches would survive a nuclear holocaust. Let's just hope we never put that to the test, shall we? 

This final photo for the day is a Main Mantis. I love how it
mimics the wings of a butterfly. So pretty against
that pale body. 

On that note, I've got to get moving. Already a bit late because of "the bug"! Have a great Tuesday and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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