Monday, October 8, 2018

It Was A Lazy Sunday

Fall has certainly arrived here in the Frozen Northlands. Sunny autumn days are glorious, but we've been having the other kind we're likely to have - gloomy, drizzle or rain falling down, and cold. I'm almost ready to pull my parka out of the closet for the upcoming winter, just trying to hang on a bit longer. As long as my early morning temps hang in there and don't get much below 38 F (3.3 C), I can manage to stay warm enough with a hoodie and my leather bomber jacket. Taking the winter coat out of the closet is a commitment to the upcoming season. 

It's time to bring out the sweaters and put away the summer
clothes. Our heat of the summer is behind us and the cold
of winter looms ahead. 

My basic wardrobe doesn't change much for the colder weather. I switch to heavier skirt materials instead of the gauze skirts, and I often will wear one of my sweaters at the shop and a hoodie at home, but I wear long sleeves during the day no matter what season, so at least I don't have major shifts in such things. 

Yesterday, because it was cold and drizzly, was a "stay at home" day. We watched football and played "Lord of the Rings Online" all day, and I periodically found myself grateful that I wasn't out at Fest in this weather. It would have been a nasty end to the Renaissance season, so I'm very pleased that their last day was the previous week. 

DH's team, the Minnesota Vikings, aren't doing great this year.
Last year we did outstanding, but this year we've fallen flat. 

We are now five weeks into the football season and it's quite evident that neither my DH's team, nor my own, will be in the race for the Super Bowl this year. Both our teams are playing pathetically. It doesn't stop our being a fan - that's a long-term thing and disappointment for our teams is something we're well used to. It does stop our hoping that we'll have any type of vested interest in the Super Bowl next January. So it goes. It's still a fun game to watch or, in my case, to listen to. DH has the TV facing him, but I sit facing away in the next corner. I listen, and turn around to look for an especially good replay, but I don't actually "watch". 

My own team - the Denver Broncos - aren't doing really great
either, although we are slightly better than DH's Vikings. Neither
team will be in playoff contention this year. 

I'm hoping that our dreary autumn weather clears away so that I can take some photos for all of you. The colors are spectacular - brilliant scarlets, bright oranges, cheerful golds and dark greens. We usually peak this week, and I'd love to share some of our seasonal beauty with all of you. Think "No Rain" for me for a few days, OK? LOL 

I'm hoping for nice weather on Wednesday so that I can take some photos
of our fall colors to share. Right now, grey skies and rain are not
color-friendly and I'm too cold to enjoy driving around and catching
the fall colors. 

So, I'm calling this a wrap. I have to leave a bit earlier than usual today and get some gas on my way to the Chiropractor. Or I could pick gas up on my way back later this morning, but I do need to buy some today - getting low. It's Monday, many people will have the day off here in the USA to celebrate Columbus Day. I've always found it really hard to celebrate Columbus, so I'll ignore it. Have a wonderful day and I'll return tomorrow. 

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