Wednesday, May 30, 2018

I'd Better Get Packed

It occurs to me that I'll be on the road to the Bead & Button Show in exactly one week. I guess I'd better start getting my tools together and figuring out my packing. Doing my chat with Aearwen in a week will be easy, and since this week's chat is on hold because she'll be busy with a long drive, I won't want to miss next week's. But I'm usually at the hotel by early afternoon, and we chat on my cellphone anyway, so no problem at all. 

Next week I'll be on my way to Milwaukee for the
Bead & Button Show. Although I've often attended
for the full week or more, I'm only going for a few
days this time. Still, it'll be nice to see old friends
and make new ones. 

I had a photo that I desperately wanted to share with all of you, but it's having a problem downloading, so I'll have to post that in tomorrow's blog. It'll have all of you laughing, so I guess one more day won't be the end of the world. 

Medicare - yes, it will save us a lot of health insurance money,
but it's also a nightmare to figure out and we'll still have to
get supplemental health insurance for it. I'm really glad
we started our research early because this will take some
time to figure out. 

DH and I spent a rather frustrating hour listening to an "expert" in Medicare explain the different plans and options yesterday morning. It wasn't a bad presentation, but it's such a complex issue and discovering all of the best choices is a bit of a pain. We're getting older, though, and really need to get a handle on this before we have to make decisions on the fly. Thus, the research. I suppose it's a good thing that we have plenty of time because I suspect we're going to need it. 

Thought I was joking about the Chinese restaurant comparison? Not
really. It's such a PITA! 

Medicare is sounding rather like a menu from a Chinese restaurant: choose one from Column A and one from Column B, add in Column C if you decide you want more coverage (and live within a mile of the restaurant), and don't forget to add something from Column D to the mix. Of course each column costs a different amount, and each column has several meal choices. What a mess! It's no wonder we get old and grey, we have to deal with governmental bureaucracy at its best (or worst). 

Today, though, I'm convincing myself that I haven't caught Chickie's lung crap. Since I'm coughing and hacking, I suspect I'm lying to myself. The plus is that we're in a heat wave, so maybe I can sweat this chest cold out of me. I'll certainly be trying to get a head start on that in the pool today. Have a great Wednesday and I'll be back tomorrow, hopefully with the picture that I wanted to show all of you. 

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