Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Is It Only Tuesday?

Is it only Tuesday? I did get orders placed for holiday gifts for Chickie and my BFF Sharon yesterday, as well as several e-books and my calendars for 2018, but it seems as if the week should be a lot farther along than just Tuesday. What's up with that? 

We love "Midsomer Murders" and its main character played
by John Nettles. After many years he finally passed
the torch to Neil Dudgeon, but I haven't told DH that fact
yet because he'll just complain about it forever - LOL. 

Today Season 7 of "Game of Thrones" will be released and I suppose I'll take a quick drop-by Target to pick up a copy for DH. It's on his holiday list. I already have several seasons of "Midsomer Murders" and the last two seasons (so far) of "Endeavor" coming in for him, but he likes GoT and made sure he double-checked pricing at several stores for me. (Sometimes he makes things really easy for me.) I haven't seen my 'panic' customers come in to buy gifts yet. I'm sure it will happen - it does every year. What's a 'panic' customer? You know ... the husband who realizes he doesn't have a statement piece for the wife, or the parents whose child is suddenly bringing a "companion" to the holiday gift-exchange. Panic customers looking for anything within a budget. 

We love last-minute shoppers. Over the years many of them
have turned into regular customers who come back time
and again to pick up another collectible. 

I'm still cleaning corners at the shop, finding items that we didn't put out years ago for whatever reason. They're going out now, and it's rather fun to restock cases that have already been looked over many times. New things to show people is always a serious plus in my eyes, and the customers like it too. 

According to the photo, this strand of
pearls is 100 inches long. The one I'm
redoing will be about half this length.
Still, it's quite the necklace when
it's strung and ready to wear. 

I'm already focusing on tomorrow and the things I need to get accomplished. My primary goals for tomorrow are the pearl restring and getting the under-desk keyboard drawer installed. As I look around me, I think I'll be ready for both tasks. The silk is ready and stretched, the drill and screwdriver are waiting along with the assembled keyboard drawer, so I'm ready to be productive. But that's tomorrow. Today my productivity is limited to the pool, Target, and work. I guess that's enough for a Tuesday. Have a good one and spread joy - it's a good contagion. 

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