Saturday, November 25, 2017

Small Business Saturday - Shop Local Today

It's Saturday, and in the USA that means Black Friday has finished, but Small Business Saturday has supplanted it. For my part, I'll be grateful when tomorrow comes and I can relax for one day before diving into 6-day work weeks. Our Black Friday at the shop was a lot of fun. We were never pushed too far with too many people at once, and we had a chance to see and get hugs (and some home-baked cookies) from several customers who have become good friends over the years. Everyone should be so lucky in their life's work. The hugs made everything worthwhile. 

Small Business Saturday was started several years ago to promote
the idea that small business is the foundation of the USA and
the varied communities they serve.  It is a marketing ploy, but it
does remind people to shop local instead of on-line and that's
important for local economies and tax structures. 

We'll get a completely different group of people in for today's Small Business Saturday sale. The items on sale today attract a different style of beader and I look forward to seeing my stringers and more adventurous seed beaders through the shop's door today. After the day is finally over, I'll head home to a nice big salad. I'm not in the mood for any more Thanksgiving repeats - most of the rest of the bird is all hubby's. 

I love salad and usually have one every night. I haven't
had my lettuce for the past two nights because of
Thanksgiving turkey and fixings. I miss it, so I'm looking
forward to tonight's salad (which may have some
turkey added to it). 

Tomorrow we're taking some time to head to the cinema to watch "Justice League", and I'll split the remainder of my day between painting the rest of the center elements in this year's holiday card, and playing my newest character on Lord of the Rings Online - a High Elf Warden named "Calaeril" (Light of the Sea). She's still a baby - not even a level 10, so everything is an adventure and a learning experience for her. 

In the High Elf intro, once you've decided to play one of these
characters and ponied up the 1000 LOTRO coins to buy it, you
get a rather fun and intense battle. Look at the characters you're fighting
alongside - Isildur, Anarion, High King Gil-Galad, Glorfindel, Elrond
Half-Elven and Cirdan. If nothing else, it's pretty cool sharing the
battlefield with these elves and men of renown. 

So, today's post is short and sweet. I'm wrapping this up and heading to the pool to work off some of my Thanksgiving pounds. Easy on but hard to get off, I'm determined! By this time next week, those Thanksgiving feast pounds will be long gone in my past and I'll be back on track for the next hurdles of holiday eating - Chex Mix, cookies and Honey-Baked Ham. Nom!!! 

Enjoy your Saturday and your weekend and I'll be back on Monday. 

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