Wednesday, April 5, 2017

A Day Off and Live Journal Positives

It's my "day off", but I have errands, of course. I managed to do a quick catch-up on emails this morning, but it means today's post will be short and sweet. At least it's not raining or snowing and the temps will be comfortable. For early April, I'll happily take that.

It's been misting and raining overnight, but gentle rain,
not a pounding soaker. My friends who garden are
going crazy preparing the soil for planting. Spring has sprung! 

I hope to look through the on-line listing of the artists appearing at the American Craft Show while I'm at my computer for most of today. I also need to get writing. I gave myself a few days off which were very welcome, but it's time to get back into the groove. I also have miscellaneous things to do in Lord of the Rings Online. Looks like it might be a computer, laundry, cooking, shopping kind of day - not too shabby.

While searching through screen caps, I saw this pic of LOTR statues that
I thought were actually very well done. I thought I'd share with all of you. 

Aearwen should be back from her trip, so I'll get to hear all about her time in Phoenix visiting family when I speak with her later this afternoon. It always throws me off a little when one of us is unavailable for our weekly chat, I enjoy the interchange so much. Fortunately, she's back and I'm sure she'll have a lot to report.

Live Journal is mainly used as a blogging platform, but I
use it because of the communities I belong to and for
fan-fiction in the LOTR universe. My blog posts, although
they appear there, are actually copied from my personal
website every day. I could live without copying them over
if I needed to, but it's not like I get that many readers - LOL. 

So, as I promised - short and sweet. On Live Journal, the Russians have kindly expanded my number of user pics to more than 200, given me an automatic three-month extension, and expanded my space for photos and video storage - neither of which I use much at all. But, it was still nice. I pay because I love my user pics, so more of those makes me very happy indeed.

This is SO true. I know so many people through my LJ posts and comments
over the years, many of you are people I consider good friends. But I've
never actually met most of you in person! 

Have a wonderful Wednesday. I'm hitting the pool and then starting out running. One of my local office supply companies is closing their store and I need some stuff, so I made sure to add it to my list of places to stop at today. Hopefully they'll have what I need.... Enjoy Your Day!

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