Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Good Intentions But Poor Execution

I had the best of intentions, but then again, I can't blame the weather gods and they can take their sweet time to bring today's snow over my house. I awakened a bit earlier than usual for the purpose of shoveling whatever snow had accumulated before I left for the gym, but according to my weather app on my smartphone, the flakes won't begin to fly until I'm actually at the gym. I'll have to shovel when I come home to switch my gym bag for my laptop bag, but that should go quickly (my hair will be wet and I'll already be dressed for work, so that part will be a pain).

Once again I'll be snow shoveling, but it won't be major today, only 3"-5" total.
It's been a very mild, if extremely cold, winter for us so I can't complain. 

I finished the first draft of my first B2MeM story last night while watching "The Voice". I'll continue the editing when I get to the shop today and after that, I'll start the next one. I did buy one more yesterday and need to review several. I'm farthing heavy, but know I have to pace myself with my writing to make sure I finish what I choose. I'll try and read through the prompts again today or tomorrow and see if anything else won't let me sleep unless I write the tale.

There's just something about getting a group of boys together at a bar
that just spells out 'trouble' and 'stupid', often together in the same sentence. 

We got a huge shipment in at the shop so Chickie will be busy, busy, getting things counted and packed. DH may go out with 'the boys' late this afternoon. It's been several weeks since they last got together and he's missing them a bit. In my "between" time (yeah right! I can hear the snorts from here), I have a jewelry project that I'd like to begin. I just got the supplies in on Friday so I can get started now, but then this little thing called B2MeM sauntered into my life. *sigh* Who am I kidding? I love to write, so that always seems to take precedence.

You can put together your very own Camp NaNoWriMo care package. A pen
and notebook, a keychain for your private locker, postcards to send
home, a sticker and a patch for your jacket. We're more vocal during camp and
cheer each other on. I want talkers in my cabin, sharing enthusiasm throughout
the month. Think about it. I'll open a cabin in a week or so. 

So on that note, and because I still need to get a few things nailed before leaving for the gym today, I bid all of you a fond farewell for the day and wish you a good Tuesday. OH!!! Before I forget, Camp NaNoWriMo starts in April for the month. I'll be opening a private cabin again and would love to share it with some of you. Goals for Camp are easy - you can state a word quantity for the month, or just a daily number or work on revision or a WIP. All things are allowed in Camp, so think about what you would like to accomplish during April and see if you'd be interested in sharing my cabin. There are only twelve people per cabin and I had a great group last camp.

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