Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thoughts on September 11th - Why I Mourn

As the US (and other people scattered throughout the world) think back on the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, I am taking a few moments to reflect on how much our world has changed since that horrific day and the ways that we have become harder, more volatile, and forever scarred.

Smoke pours from the North Tower of the World Trade Center on the
morning of September 11, 2001. 

Before September 11th:

The word "terrorist", although certainly in existence, was not an almost daily utterance. It seems to be now, to my sorrow.

Believers of Islam in the US were generally accepted. The Islamic world and nations were judged on how well (or poorly) they interacted with Israel. Mosques were not viewed as hotbeds of potential aggression and the rumblings in the Middle East were just that - rumblings.

We were not fighting any active wars, conflicts, or undeclared aggressive actions. Our soldiers were home with their families and our National Guard members weren't being sent overseas into zones of armed conflict.

We didn't look at women wearing the traditional head covering of a Muslim woman with automatic suspicion, rather we were curious about why they wanted to wear such a thing.

It took one day to change our world in ways that have emphasized and fed upon a lot of the darkness that lives in human souls.

The song is by Jewel, the art by Dorkside on Deviant Art.
To see the piece in higher resolution, follow this link

That's why I remember and that's why I mourn.

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