Thursday, May 29, 2014

Isn't This Much Fun Illegal?

I've mentioned before that I love meeting keyboard friends in real life. Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet and spend several hours with the TOTALLY FABULOUS Huinare and I had a really good time. We met shortly after noon at a local coffeehouse and immediately started a road trip of missing turnoffs and going around a few blocks to get oriented correctly again. It was going to be a theme for most of the drive to the museum, but it was OK. The weather was beautiful, the neighborhood was very pretty, and each second try resulted in success.

Directional accuracy was strained a bit in the beginning. 

Finally arriving at the museum and getting our entry tickets scanned and our "They're OK, they paid the proper bribe to the gatekeepers" bracelets fastened around our wrists, we entered to attempt the search for dinosaurs. The gatekeeper had told us we could take the elevator or the stairs. We tried the stairs. Bad idea.

After reversing our steps, approaching the gate keeper again (at which time I realized I had dropped half of our tickets and was hoping that he had them at his little stand - fortunately he did and we were back in business), we tried the elevator with greater success. Dinos awaited.

Dino skeltons - more than fifty of them - were displayed along with information
about each individual dino type. It was really interesting to see the large
variety in types and the differences over time. 

The exhibit was really cool - lots of skeletons of dinos I had never heard of before with wicked-sharp teeth and coming in sizes ranging from a toy poodle to mind-boggling humongous. All of the latest technologies were in place including these really awesome pull-up computer screens that you could direct at some of the skeletons to see what the dino might have looked like with flesh and blood. Really very cool animation.

The exhibit wasn't crowded - our time frame was just perfect with gaggles of children leaving the museum just as we were entering it. That allowed us to really spend our time with the critters and indulge discussions about limb rotation, possible food sources, and teeth - lots of varied and very strange teeth.

Ghost Ranch NM is a stunning area in the north-central part of the
state. I took a Navajo weaving course over a week here many yers
ago and have visited the area periodically over the years since. You
may know it as one of the areas where Georgia O'Keeffe produced many
of her iconic art pieces. 

After the dinos, we went upstairs to the Omnitheatre to see "Dinos Alive" which was interesting in its own right, although not one of the best Omnitheatre films I've ever seen. Still, it was fun to watch the dino re-inactments as well as to see the Gobi Desert and a place where I've actually spent time - Ghost Ranch in north-central New Mexico.

Georgia O-Keeffe celebrated the beauty of New Mexico in brilliant color
and wonderful shapes. She lived at Ghost Ranch for many years. 

We then wandered the gift shop, falling in love with several of the small, robotic toys they had available, but we were good and bought nothing. Hitting return traffic at 4:30 pm made a 20 minute drive turn into an hour-long drive, but by 5:30 I returned Huin to where we had met and after fond farewells, continued on to fight the insane traffic back home. I was home just in time to toss the pan with my chicken into the oven and turn on the clothes dryer for my final load of laundry. By the time the chicken was finished baking, DH had just returned home and we settled for a relaxing evening. It was a wonderful day.

I really hate driving in rush hour traffic, but there was no avoiding it
yesterday. I actually got home just in time, though, and everything I needed
to get completed was done by day's end. 

Why can't all of my days be this fun? "Oh! Wait! I know the answer to this," she said, bouncing up and down in her seat and waving her arm in the air. "If you didn't have bad days and horrid days, you'd never be able to write anything with angst!" Oh....that's probably right.

"Oh! I know the answer! Pick me! Pick me! "

Happy Thursday to you all!

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